Chorus Cassette Compatible with Record Groupo?


New Member
Jul 23, 2003
Hello. I just wanted to make sure that the Chorus cassette was compatible with the Record groupo. Thanks. :eek:
puma said:
Hello. I just wanted to make sure that the Chorus cassette was compatible with the Record groupo. Thanks. :eek:

100% - as long as they're both 10 speed groups! :)
I feel so honored to have your first post herr_grepper. :D
puma said:
Hello. I just wanted to make sure that the Chorus cassette was compatible with the Record groupo. Thanks. :eek:

While technically possible, do you realize such a paring would be sacrilegious? It would be akin to marrying your cousin. You wouldn’t do that, would you?
Well...I think the Record and Chorus can be cosidered as royalty in the cycling component realm. And it would not be uncommon (like in the real world) to maintain that elitism in the Campy royal family by marrying within. :)
puma said:
Well...I think the Record and Chorus can be cosidered as royalty in the cycling component realm. And it would not be uncommon (like in the real world) to maintain that elitism in the Campy royal family by marrying within. :)

Thank you. That was good for a hearty and much needed laugh. A very well crafted and thought out reply, Puma. Quid Pro Quo.

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