Clydesdale Community Challenge—Part III

Originally Posted by BHOFM .

The last week or so I could not log on. There was a place for my name and password but
no button to log on. I tried just hitting "enter" but nothing happened.

I had ridden some. Will have to sit down and figure how many miles when I get a chance.

My Mom fell a couple weeks ago, nothing broken but some bad bruises on her side.

While she was in the care facility Dad passed away during the night at home.

Thing have been a bit crazy the last few days.

When the site will work and I get some numbers I will post them.
My sincere condolences for the lost of your dear Father. Best wishes for your Mother, I hope she is physically feeling better.
Hey guys, I just joined the site and I am over 200lbs, can I get in on this? I would like to contribute. I started riding a couple monts ago, but have only been keeping trackof my mileage fot eh last couple of weeks. (Just got the CPU) My Odometer reads 123.5 total miles. can we add that to the total?
Thanks -Brad
Brad, sure you can add your mileage. Things have been pretty slow here. Also, I am dropping the ridiculous precision on the total. We have little chance of making the goal unless we get a lot of newcomers.

16502.4 + 123.5 (brad) + 98 (me) = 16723.9
Great, I love this idea, It will help keep me motivated and on top of the mileage that I log each week. Thanks.
16870.9 + 120 = 16990.9

I guess the challenge ends tomorrow - better luck next year?