cola or glucose?


New Member
Jul 8, 2003
A question.

Im a little puzzled to see riders taking cans of Cola from team vehicles. I woudl have thought that some sort of glucose drink would be more appropriate - in terms of quick and effective energy / sugar replenishment.

or is it the caffeine content - but then in that case a couple shots of espresso woudl offer far more

Could you clear this up for me please

Most of the sports drinks are a gimmick and don't offer anything over cordial or cola drinks. The combination of caffeine and sugar in a coke does seem to help when you are fading in a long ride.
Originally posted by patch70
Most of the sports drinks are a gimmick and don't offer anything over cordial or cola drinks. The combination of caffeine and sugar in a coke does seem to help when you are fading in a long ride.

to a certan extent I would agree, but glucose is glucose, allowing a faster and more efficient sugar absorption. Cola does not contain glucose. But I'm interested hearing that you think that the mix of a very small amount of caffeine with the sugars contained within a cola is better than any glucose drink or any 'custom' made energy drink.

just what amount of caffeine is allowed in the bloodstream?
Originally posted by TbosS
A lot of riders in the peleton eat/drink these type of sportdrinks (and gels) in the beginning and during the race. I've heard several riders tell that they find these type of drinks/ fluid foods very hard on their stomache so later on in the race they only drink cola or cold water.

For more reasonable arguments check out these articles:

Coca-Cola Preferred by Top Endurance Cyclists

Many athletes use Coca-Cola as a sports drink, but does exercise really go better with Coke?

nice one, thanks, answers most of my questions, of course we unable to see the numebrs of caffeine tablets taken.

but I'm still surprised not to see riders slurping double neopolitan syrypy espresso shots
I personally am a big consumer of coffee, and espresso or a ristretto are my favorites.

But perhaps the laxative working of a good cup of strong black coffee explains why riders usually stick to a can of coke. ;-D
Originally posted by TbosS
I personally am a big consumer of coffee, and espresso or a ristretto are my favorites.

But perhaps the laxative working of a good cup of strong black coffee explains why riders usually stick to a can of coke. ;-D

>"glucose is glucose, allowing a faster and more efficient sugar absorption. Cola does not contain glucose."

Glucose and sugar are the same thing! Glucose is the monosaccharide i.e. most refined type of 'sugar'. There are also disaccharides like sucrose (=glucose plus fructose), maltose (=glucose plus glucose), and lactose (=glucose plus galactose). These have to be broken down to monosaccharides to be absorbed.
In both cola and sports drinks, they will have glucose which is common garden-variety sugar!

>"just what amount of caffeine is allowed in the bloodstream?"

You would have to work very hard to drink yourself to an illegal level of caffeine using either coffee or cola drinks.
The effect may be somewhat mental as well...Coke tastes really good when it is hot. By the final climb much of the effect might just be mental anyway and the difference may be marginal. Also notice that the Coke often comes from Coke moped riders. In the final climb it is often tough for team cars or domestiques to bring fluids so you get what you can take.