colored cyclist

tonyzackery said:
Obviously, the Op's question was significant to HIM - if it isn't to YOU, so be it. Your assumption (and you know what assumptions do for YOU) that he's making an excuse for not making pro because he's "colored" is ignorant. And your inference as such led to my comment...Clear things up for you, oh confused one??:confused:
I stand corrected. If the question is important to him then my opinion why he asked doesn't matter.

But really, let's think why else would he ask something like that if he wasn't searching for an excuse? Does your race really have anything to do with turning pro? I'm saying if you want to turn pro this should not even be a question. Your first and most obvious question should be "what does it take to become pro?". You think someone like Rahsaan Bahati as a junior told himself: "Gee, there aren't any black pros. I guess that I means I should quit because I'll never make it"?
You are assuming quite a bit. The original poster makes no mention of quitting. He just seems to be feeling like an outsider in his cycling club. I can understand this. Cycling can be cliquish enough to be intimidating even if everyone else there looks like you and has a similar background. Just because the guy is looking for a role model doesn't mean he thinks that he can't do well without one.
I wouldn't feel left out if I were a black cyclist. I am a very short -5 foot-Hispanic female and do not fit the general cyclist profile I guess, but as soon I get on my bike I feel like a little Lance Armstrong pedaling away. :D
drmarthacastro said:
I wouldn't feel left out if I were a black cyclist. I am a very short -5 foot-Hispanic female and do not fit the general cyclist profile I guess, but as soon I get on my bike I feel like a little Lance Armstrong pedaling away. :D

As long as your feet reach the are cool.
Give em hell!
bodaciousguy said:
I stand corrected. If the question is important to him then my opinion why he asked doesn't matter.

But really, let's think why else would he ask something like that if he wasn't searching for an excuse? Does your race really have anything to do with turning pro? I'm saying if you want to turn pro this should not even be a question. Your first and most obvious question should be "what does it take to become pro?". You think someone like Rahsaan Bahati as a junior told himself: "Gee, there aren't any black pros. I guess that I means I should quit because I'll never make it"?
Personally, I don't let the negativity and unfairness that I encounter (yes, I'm a Black cyclist) deter me from my goals, and I imagine the OP doesn't either. I use that negative energy as fuel for my workouts, and I take great satisfaction in finishing in front of those people who would rather I not be on the starting line. However, for you to assume (there's that word again and I already told you about that) that the OP is already looking for an excuse is absurd.

Wanting to know if there are/were any pro riders he could more readily relate to has nothing to do with searching for excuses. Furthermore, I'm certain that Rahsaan Bahati wondered if there were any Black pro cyclists when he got started - a very valid question to consider.

If OP was wondering this, what's it to you anyway????

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