Comedy Gold


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
A true ambassador for men from oz. #9 takes the cake.

Taken direct from Cadel's website, Cadel Evans 2009 | Cadel's Diary

10 Questions to Cadel
Saturday, 1 August 2009
1. What were you doing 5 minutes ago?
- Having an aperitivo with Chiara
2. What was the nicest thing someone did for you this week?
- Chiara carried my bike and equipment to the hotel while I was sleeping in, so I could train when I woke up...
3. What was the nicest thing you did for someone this week?
- I held my angry tongue!
4. What are you reading now?
- Today I read my latest National Geographic
5. What are you looking forward to?
- Better opportunities?:eek:)
6. What makes you feel good now?
- Having quality time with my wife
7. What do you think about the Tour now that it's over?
- It was very disappointing...
8. What is annoying you?
- Journalists who don't report the truth
9. What song best describes your mood right now?
- The Bee Gees' "cause we're living in a world of fools, breaking us down, when they all should let us be..."
10. What's your favourite food now?
- Bruschetta al pomodoro e rucola!

they ought to rethink the profile pic of him, he looks, um...psycho?
I like CE, the rider.

I'm not so sure about his persoanlity though.
He's quite terse in his dealings with the media, which is probably wise but it doesn't come across well.

I also remember reading stuff about his time at Mobile and how he was standoffish with the rest of his team.
His contstant carping about riders speaking "only in German" created the perception of a pretty unhappy punter.

Still we all have our foibles, I suppose.