comfortable road or light touring bike.


New Member
May 18, 2004
want to get back into road biking after taking a hiatus. i have a budget of about 1 k, will ride about 3k km on it with some centuries, some light touring, mostly around town on roads and bike paths. Have a very sensitive butt and chronic low back pain. I would appreciate any suggestions. i'll ride each for a while. new or used is less important than the right bike.

What other questions should i be asking, or what other points should i look for?


bakhurts a lot today
ive got a Surly Pacer (Fatties Fit Fine). i love it. retailed for like 1100. got it for 800 in south dakota... biked 700 miles down the coast of cali with it. i was told its a good bike for both touring and least at my level (the sorta begginnerish level). i agree with the tellager from that bike shop. i threw some fatter tires on it, got tired of changing them every 4 minutes and 13 seconds. figured, i can give myself a heart attack with anysized tires. yeah. go with the light blue bike. oh yeah, i did that trip with 55 lbs (stupid lbs) of gear attached to the thing, hit 48 going down the side of a mountain, crashed it about 20 times so far.....4000+ miles in the last 4.5 months....if i think of anymore nonsense to reply from my oxygen deprived brain, caffeine overloaded, sleep non existent brain, i'll repost.