Coron Busanaga New Waterfall Found

Tj Tourguide

New Member
Aug 25, 2011
Hey guys im back again,

We did it again, found a beautifull waterfall. Nice 10ft waterfall with two pools and a nice stream bed at the top. Has a big plate in the middle and actually two falls, one on either side. You are able to climb the falls, fairly safe, and at the top, you have a wide stream bed with pools scattered everywhere. Its a easy ride, filled with amazing views of coron, lazy carabaos and see the locals. All the pools, streams and waterfalls are really amazing now, with all this extra water running off, makes all the routes to these places more exciting, crossing rivers and riding on unseen Carabao Trails.

To find these places we usually hear of rumors, then go find it :D
We do invite everyone to come and join, help us explore Coron, Busuanga. This small island has a million secret places just waiting to be found. Contact me if you wanna join.