crash video 3 foot drop



Guest biking

I think he was acting this out (probably wanted to send it in for
"Americas funniest videos") and did not break his clavicle like he
said. That is a big drop though and if you don't pull your front end up
you crash.

Ride-A-Lot would have turned around and rode back all the way back to
the parking lot to avoid it.

This drop is the same height as "The Wall" at Deer Creek Canyon, of
which this drop also made me crash, but at "The Wall" it's much more
tougher because you don't have the option of landing on level ground,
you're landing on all obfusicated rocks after the drop, it's quite
difficult and even lethal.
knuckles wrote: Trail Rating: 5 May 15, 2006
Great ride all together. The uphill climb is a burner but worth it once
you get to the top and have access to sweet singletrack. Awesome
downhill even though I chickened out on the wall AGAIN!!!