CTC newsletter BMA stuff


Mark McNeill

I know a lot of people will have got this in their CTC newsletter, but
I've seen no mention of it; so here it is.

BMA reverses its support for helmet compulsion... almost

The British Medical Association came amazingly close to overturning its
2-year-old policy of supporting compulsory helmet-wearing at its Annual
Representatives Meeting earlier this week. A motion "That BMA policy on
cycle helmets is not consistent with current evidence and should be
reconsidered by the Board of Education and Science" was proposed by
Doctors Peter Ward and Steven Watkins - the latter being the Director of
Public Health in Stockport and Chair of the Health and Transport Group.
The motion was narrowly defeated by 97 to 117. CTC warmly congratulates
Drs Ward and Watkins for their tireless persistence in pressing the BMA
to reconsider the latest evidence on the effects of helmet-wearing and
helmet laws. CTC will be joining Dr Ward and cycle safety expert John
Franklin to present this evidence to BMA President Sir Charles George in
a couple of weeks=3F time.

Mark, UK
"All war must be just the killing of strangers against whom you feel no
personal animosity; strangers whom, in other circumstances, you would
help if you found them in trouble, and who would help you if you needed

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