Cycling safety equipment questionnaire – University major project


New Member
Oct 14, 2013
Hi fellow cyclists it's me again,

I know I have been posting a lot of questionnaire for my major project and it is possibly annoying a lot of you, well you guys have been really useful in helping me and thanks for that, I have managed to narrow down to a few major problems to do with cycling safety. I know there are products out there to help with this, but they are pretty basic and I want to try and improve on them, something along the lines of ‘intelligent safety device’. Please take a few minutes to fill this out for me as I would really appreciate it and it really will help me in my major project at University.

As usual I will keep looking into here and responding to all posts on here! Please use this thread as an area to discuss further points with me


Originally Posted by AdamMortlock
...something along the lines of ‘intelligent safety device’. ...
I need something like this:
(I will fill your questionnaire now... good luck!

PS: The drop menus are glitchy... Or containing an algorithm...
Originally Posted by Volnix
PS: The drop menus are glitchy... Or containing an algorithm...
Ahh...I think it is working, but it's just a really strange system that Survey Monkey choose, it tries to predict what you are going to put in so you kind of have to override it and do it manually.

How come you need a product like this? would be interested to see what you have to say

Thanks for filling it in also.

Originally Posted by AdamMortlock
Ahh...I think it is working, but it's just a really strange system that Survey Monkey choose, it tries to predict what you are going to put in so you kind of have to override it and do it manually.

How come you need a product like this? would be interested to see what you have to say

Thanks for filling it in also.

Yeah I tried to pick one number from the drop bar menu and it "automatically" was changing the rest... Cant fill the questionaire I think... Sorry!!!

Just kidding about the "product"... But sometimes commuting by bike fills like a "battlezone" with all these "motorists" driving around alone stressing over crossroads...

Good luck again!