disappointed outing


New Member
Mar 11, 2006
hi, i recently joined a run and cycle competition. run 11km cycle 64km and run 10km. i had many crams on the bike and finished poorly overall despite much practise for cycling. i would like to know what happen and how to prevent and what to do next time.

prior to competition day. i stop cycling for at least 1 week. i only do running minus 5 days race day. i run 6-7km and at a medium pace.

on the race day, i started running. started off and finished in my plan. i had conserve much energy for cycling. i had one powerbar before i climb on the bike. i cycled quite fast only for the 1st 1km. then at a moderate/slow speed for another 5km. after that i had my first cramp which i ignored. i drink some water. i slowed down for at least 3km. then i find my legs recover and i increased my speed in next 3km. i slowed down for at least 5-10 minutes. i increased back my speed and i am not able to push to my normal practise. i cycled at 20-22kph. i had another cramp and slowed down 18kph or less. i took very much water. i just keep on cycling in a slow pace. i sipped little water every few km. i had a 1 or 2 more cramps. i cycled very slow until i finished. my cyclometer recorded 20.8kph average.

i had 1 banana and some isotonic 50ml. i continued with running at a very slow pace. i stopped running and walked normal pace to the finish line.

Upset and want to continue