Does eating after a ride hurt weight loss?


New Member
Aug 6, 2006
I've noticed that after a long ride I get really really hungry. I'm using biking as a means to loose weight and I'm curious if eating after a ride will negate its positive effects.

On a related note, I read that riding early in the morning is good for weight loss because your body can metabolize the food better during the day if you've exercised. Is there any merit to this? If so, does the same principle apply to the first question?
Weight loss is a simple formula. Calories in < Calories out.

Your body is inevitably going to crave food post ride especially long rides. Replace necessary carbohydrates primarily and then eat sensibly. Also watch your hydration post-ride. Sometimes that "hunger pang" is just thirst. Keep hydrating post ride.

But at the end of the day, it still comes down to fewer calories in than you're putting out.
Start keeping a daily record of the calories you consume, try to keep it at 2000 (if you are male) or a lilttle less. Cut out saturated fats, get your fats from good sources like olive oil and nuts. Excercise in the AM does boost metabolism for the whole day. And lastly, try to eat six small meals during the day instead of three. This will moderate blood sugar. The lbs. will come off.

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