Doping epidemic, the media, and Moninger


Ronde Chimp

Well I'm as ****** as everyone else about the Hamilton fiasco. While
I'm angry at Tyler for doping, I do understand the motivation -
although that doesn't let him off the hook. Personal responsibility
comes into play - and Tyler screwed up. Nuff said.

However, I blame the media for not playing its fair part in covering
the problem in our sport. Specifically Velonews and Cyclingnews, who
in the past have glossed over doping incidents - the Moninger case
comes immediately to mind. Scott repeatedly has professed that tainted
supplements were to blame for his norandro prositive, and both
Velonews and Cyclingnews both were quick to not only pick up this
excuse, but have repeated it ad nauseum.

If you read the actual ASADA report, it quickly becomes apparent that
Moninger's excuse is 100% ********:

To note:

II.1-2.1.7-12 & 13 - Two unsealed bottles of the exact same supplement
were tested, with no evidence of norandro or other steroids detected;
II.1-2.1.7-14 - The opened bottle which Moninger sent for testing also
contained no norandro (but did find "unidentified substances" which
have special characteristics of androgens;

Other pertinant sections to read are II.2-2.2.2&3, II.4-2.4.1&2

In a nutshell, there is no evidence that Scott got his norandro
positive from his supplements. Why then does Velonews and Cyclingnews
continue to support Scott and his ******** defense? The very fact that
they make excuses for a doper caught red-needled makes me ask how they
can possibly think they are helping our sport.

We need to clean house, and the sports media needs to help.

Flame away

Ronde Chimp
I wouldn't put anything past anybody.

How much does anyone really know about anyone else? Would Tyler's wife really know or not know?

Would Lance's?

Would yours?

Would someone's good friends or family? Colleague racers?

If you were doping would you admit it before getting caught? After?

I accepted the 'public version' of the Moninger story until reading your link. Now it is clear that Scott WAS doping. From the Pdf:

"The level of contamination reported by the IBC is massively in excess of heretofore known examples of trace contaminants found in supplements."

That's about as clear as it gets no matter what explanations and doubts one tries to air.