Essential tips for new riders!!!

Eminenz CW

Nov 27, 2012
Be visible. Wear bright colors in daylight hours. At night, wear something reflective – or – at least wear something white. Use front and rear lights and reflectors.
Be predictable. Make eye contact. Ride on the correct side of the road, not against traffic. Look behind you before you make a turn or lane change, that lets drivers know you’re up to something. Use hand signals (not THAT one) and don’t wobble around. Don’t weave in and out of the lane when parked cars are spread out.
Plan your route. Your drive to work went straight down the busiest street in town. You’ll add about a mile and a half to your bike commute by heading down to the next street down that crosses the highway with a nice over-pass. Believe me, it is more than worth the extra 5 minutes. (You’ll then be able to pick up part of the bike path and get out of traffic completely. Girls in Spandex use this path for jogging. I’m just sayin’.)
Bike/hike paths are great – but remember – Don’t ride on sidewalks!
Ditch the headphones. I like the fact that you enjoy the iPod we got you for Christmas. Don’t use it while you’re cycling in traffic.
Take the lane: Don’t be afraid to get out in the middle of the lane in stop-and-go traffic, when changing lanes to make a left turn and to avoid being “doored.” You WILLbe tempted to blow past a line of cars queued up at a stop light; don’t, just take your place in the middle of the lane and take your turn.

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