Favorite Bumper Sticker?


New Member
Jul 27, 2006
Okay, I have one caveat: it has to be funny. I laugh at funny bumper stickers even if I disagree with the general premise.

I saw this one today, and I thought everyone here might like it:

My Country Went To War With Iraq....and all I got was this expensive gas.

have a great holiday weekend (in the US) and look out for those stickers........
"So many cats - so few recipes"

"I love cats, but I couldn't a whole one at one meal"
Bumper sticker on the rear of an ancient Morris minor being driven by a little old lady.
This car's constipated,it hasn't passed anything in month's
Saw this on a tshirt.
"I stayed in New Orleans for Hurricane Katrina and all I got was this lousy shirt, a Plasma TV, and a new Cadillac."
somewhere in texas a village is missing it's idiot

"dad, what was the bill of rights?"

my kid can beat your honor roll student in the sprint

ask me about my dyslexic grandchildren

for a small town, we sure have a lot of @$$h0!#5

question authority

nns1400 said:
Okay, I have one caveat: it has to be funny. I laugh at funny bumper stickers even if I disagree with the general premise.

I saw this one today,
Wurm said:
I like these:
So far, so good, though some of you are skirting off the comedy path here. Wurm, your Republican lawyer one shows you could possibly have a sense of humor in there somewhere.:eek:

Hypnospin - the phrase "question authority" is neither funny nor original. You'll have to make up for that one!
In the interest of fair and balanced bumper sticker reporting:

"Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun."

hardee har har
thebluetrain said:
He and stevebaby must be brothers. :D
Have you heard about the secret underground race of reptilian shape shifters?? you can find out about them on the same shelf as Crossing the Rubicon. Coincidence? I don't know...............
nns1400 said:
Have you heard about the secret underground race of reptilian shape shifters?? you can find out about them on the same shelf as Crossing the Rubicon. Coincidence? I don't know...............
Never heard of them, Maybe I'll just try to find them on "wikipedia", stevebaby's lifeline.:rolleyes:
Seen pasted on a Landrover

a couple of weeks later,i saw the same guy broken down on the side of the freeway,i was in a hurry otherwise i would have offered to tow him with my Nissan.
I saw ths one on the back of a plumber's ute...said:

"Honk if your a terrorist"

I dunno, i thought it was funny.