Fee-Demo Bill HR 3283 is **you PAY for WALKING**:



OPPOSE any version of HR 3283 or pay for walking !
* SUPPORT S.1107 to end the Fee-Demo program *

On September 19, 2004, from
Scott Silver, at [email protected] from
Wild Wilderness http://www.wildwilderness.org and
Bob Bartsch at [email protected]> from
Free our Forests http://www.freeourforests.org and
Jon at [email protected] from the
Arizona No-Fee Coalition http://www.aznofee.org

Subject: Adventure Pass/Fee Demo

Fee-Demo "show-time" is coming up ....Wednesday AM, 09-24-04

The fate of Fee-Demo is now balanced upon a knife edge and that
the issue is likely to soon topple one way or the other. A major push by
opponents of Fee-Demo could win the issue and get rid of it for good.
Failing to push will result in passage of the Fee-Demo bill & *YOU PAY!*

For those unable to call or FAX Congress but who want to help, we've
a quick and easy opportunity just for you. {lease send our friends
[email protected] or [email protected] , or to the
Arizona No-Fee Coalition www.aznofee.org a short message containing
your concerns and they'll distribute your message for you. ---the service
is FREE. Read on for full details and thank you all, once again, for your help.


---------- BEGIN ALERT ------------

For the past two months, leaders of the NoFee Movement have been
communicating with the House Resources Committee in an effort to limit the
scope of Representative Regula's bill to make recreation fees permanent (HR
3283) and to come up with much better language than was written into the
original bill. Likewise, the Bush Administration and the recreation industry
have been communicating with this Committee in an effort to create a bill
that was even more to their liking. Not surprisingly, the other side has won
that round and as a result, a newly revised 42-page version of Regula's HR
3283 is headed for markup this Wednesday, September 22nd.

"Markup" is where the full House Resources Committee votes on sending a bill
to the House floor for a vote. The Committee may send the bill on as it was
written, they may amend it, or they may reject it altogether. Our position
is, the Committee should reject the bill and NOT send it on for a floor

New and very bad language will be offered on Wednesday in the form of an
amendment. That amendment will almost certainly include permanent authority
to charge "Basic" or "Standard" Fees for the recreational use of your public
lands, will propose the creation of an "America The Beautiful" National
Pass, will establish Advisory committees capable of rubber stamping fee
areas, and will provide a wide range of harmful incentives that will
encourage land managers to look upon you as being nothing more than their

Almost all of the 24 Democratic Committee members are expected to oppose the
new HR 3283 amendment. A great many of the 28 Republican Committee members
are expected to support that amendment. Our job is to encourage as many
Republican members as possible to vote against this bill/amendment.

Listed below is all the information you will need. Please call and/or fax
these legislators between now and Wednesday morning. This is the only
opportunity our side will have to register disapproval of this permanent
recreation fee legislation. We don't have an army of lobbyists, but we do
have you and thousands like you. Together we've made a difference before.
We can do it again. We can win this fight and after seven years of fighting
Fee Demo, this will be a decisive week.

Please ask each legislator, at markup on Wednesday, to oppose any version of
HR 3283 that allows for the charging of "Basic" or "Standard" fees, to
oppose the issuance of a National Recreation Pass and to oppose
authorization of any Fee Advisory Committees. Ask them to support the
language contained in the Senate Bill S.1107 or to end the program
completely. S1107 would make fees permanent for ONLY the National Parks
Service and would allow fees to lapse for the other agencies.

It's a simple message and, believe it or not, 32 phone calls to the list
below can take as little as 20 minutes of your time Monday or Tuesday.

Please call/fax all the Republican House Resources Committee members listed
below. If your time is limited, make sure to contact Committee chair Pombo
and legislators from your home state, at least. (If you can only call a
few, please pick them at random so those at the top of the list don't get
more calls than those lower down.) Four key Democratic Committee members,
including minority chair Rahall (who supports us strongly) are listed below.
Please contact all of these persons, if you can.

If all of us make calls and send faxes, it is possible to stop HR 3283!
Thank you for your continuing efforts to help stop Fee Demo.



* If you have no easy access to a fax machine,
* please prepare your letter addressed to
*"Dear Representative" and go to www.aznofee.org.
*Starting 09-19-04 afternoon, that webpage will tell
*you how to email your letter to the Arizona No Fee
*Coalition. They will then send it on electronically, at
*no cost or time to you, to all the legislators below.
*(Our thanks to the Arizona No Fee Coalition.)


((NOTE: faxes will generally go through more easily AFTER office hours in

House Resources Committee - Republican Members

CHAIR Pombo, Richard - CA
Ph: 225-2761 or 225-1947 Fax: 225-5929

Bishop, Rob - UT
Ph: 225-0453 Fax: 225-5857

Calvert, Ken - CA
Ph: 225-1986 Fax: 225-2004

Cannon, Chris - UT
Ph: 225- 7751 Fax: 225-5629

Cole, Tom - OK
Ph: 225-6165 Fax: 225-3512

Cubin, Barbara - WY
Ph: 225-2311 Fax: 225-3057

Duncan, Jr., John - TN
Ph: 225-5435 Fax: 225-6440

Flake, Jeff - AZ
Ph: 225-2635 Fax: 226-4386

Gallegly, Elton - CA
Ph: 225-5811 Fax: 225-1100

Gibbons, Jim - NV
Ph: 225-6155 Fax: 225-5679

Gilchrest, Wayne - MD
Ph: 225-5311 Fax: 225-0254

Hayworth, J.D. - AZ
Ph: 225-2190 Fax: 225-3263

Jones, Walter - NC
Ph: 225-3415 Fax: 225-3286

McInnis, Scott - CO
Ph: 225-4761 Fax: 226-0622

Nunes, Devin - CA
Ph: 225-2523 Fax: 225-3404

Osborne, Tom - NE
Ph: 225-6435 Fax: 226-1385

Pearce, Stevan - NM
Ph: 225-2365 Fax: 225-9599

Peterson, John - PA
Ph: 225-5121 Fax: 225-5796

Putnam, Adam - FL
Ph: 225-1252 Fax: 226-0585

Radanovich, George - CA
Ph: 225-4540 Fax: 225-3402

Rehberg, Dennis - MT
Ph: 225-3211 Fax: 225-5687

Renzi, Rick - AZ
Ph: 225-2315 Fax: 226-9739

Saxton, Jim - NJ
Ph: 225-4765 Fax: 225-0778

Souder, Mark - IN
Ph: 225-4436 Fax: 225-3479

Tancredo, Thomas - CO
Ph: 225-7882 Fax: 226-4623

Tauzin, W.J. (Billy) - LA
Ph: 225-4031 Fax: 225-0563

Walden, Greg - OR
Ph: 225-6730 Fax: 225-5774

Young, Don - AK
Ph: 225-5765 Fax: 225-0425

House Resources Committee - Key Democrat Members

CHAIR Rahall, Nick - WV
Ph: 225-3452 or 225-6065 Fax: 225-9061 or

Baca, Joe - CA
Ph: 225-6161 Fax: 225-8671

Cardoza, Dennis - CA
Ph: 225-6131 Fax: 225-0819

Udall, Mark - CO
Ph: 225-2161 Fax: 226-7840