fixie poetry

is there a thing about rear wheel right front wheel left?
who photos which way?
now here's the classic cycle photo
and the drive train's on the other side?
meant to underwhelm the frame outline?
whispering spiderlike before the wall
Fast 'round the corners
faster down the hills!
No! Forgot the brakes!
Stairway railing, kills.

Sad, crying mourners.
Family pays bills.
Biking madness takes
only life of Phil's.
Mark Vieselmeyer wrote:

> I think it might have a typo, but it works better as-is:

An Ode to Fixed Gear Handlebar Choice
(based on personal experience)

Because I only have one lever
(And no, I can't stop pedalling either)
I find my left hand gripping tight
(in the US it would be the right)

To keep my hands upon the bike
I took some drops I didn't like
I sawed off the superfluous ends
And now they don't have any bends

But as the miles begin to climb
I can't shake this thought from my mind
If I'd splashed for real cow-horns
I'd skip the blisters and the corns

So though it might be cheap to hack
Your sawn-off bars will soon bite back.
Shucks, after the first line I thought you were going to riff Emily
Dickenson, "Because I could not stop for Death."

BECAUSE I could not stop my bike--
It kindly stopped for me--
The wheels flew through the garden fence--
And me into a tree.