follow up: black decal over black paint



I've decided to paint over the ernesto colnago signature decal with
white paint so that it will show up on the black frame. My question
now is, if I use white rustoleum or model paint will I still be able
to use a laquer clear coat?
"tonyfranciozi" wrote: (clip)if I use white rustoleum or model paint will
I still be able to use a laquer clear coat?
It's a little risky, but it can be done. Make sure that the paint is
THOROUGHLY dry. Then spray on very light misty coats of lacquer, allowing
enough drying time between coats to let the solvent escape. Each coat will
slightly dissolve the coat below it, and eventually you will be able to
start putting on heavier coats. The final coat will want to be wetter than
the earlier ones, so it forms a nice gloss.