full URL for "Roam" MTB video teaser




and their first one


I hate Macromedia cuz it hides the full URL and you can't use pause &
stop with time references.

Such as at 1:11 through 1:13, that's exactly what it's like for you
never before MTBers.

Again at 1:30 through 1:33, and most indicative of the power, and the
experience of being superhuman of which the addiction to this
"activity" is perfectly depicted is at 1:36 through 1:38, and I did
this exact type of riding, on Deer Creek Canyons Red Mesa Loop, in the
video between 1:36.5 through 1:39 he's clearly moving at about 40MPH,
wherever this may be.

At the top of Red Mesa Loop, which is a very slight descending (you'd
swear it's level) 3 mile loop, you can SAFELY hit that 40MPH and the
few jumps on it, and it looks exact to the section I cited, except Red
Mesa Loop is far more scenic, Red Mesa Loop is the top of the mountain,
so you see everything in all directions.

This video is the best way for you never before MTBers to get the most
integral feel for it. It doesn't get any better than this. The sense of
powerful freedom experienced by MTBing is best portrayed by "The


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