
Spot on! Embracing a community's unique language can indeed make for a more authentic gaming experience. However, striking a balance is key - too much jargon might overwhelm newcomers. Casual players are curious and open-minded, but we don't want to alienate them with an avalanche of cycling slang.

Perhaps we could incorporate a "slang-o-meter" that adjusts according to the player's skill level, gradually introducing more technical terms as they progress. This way, we cater to both hardcore fans and newbies, creating an inclusive and engaging environment.

By pushing boundaries while keeping accessibility in mind, we can create an immersive gaming experience that celebrates the essence of cycling, without sacrificing appeal for casual players. :bike: :thumbsup:
Consider this: hardcore cycling fans crave authenticity. Incorporating cycling slang, like "drafting" or "peloton," can create a more immersive experience. A well-crafted tutorial can help newbies decipher the lingo. Don't dumb it down, casual players can handle it. They're curious and open-minded. ;-)