Heartburn while riding didn't have to do with food


New Member
Feb 8, 2013
I had a 35 mile ride Saturday. breakfast was an apple with almond butter and chia seeds. I never get heartburn, and that food is not likely to cause heartburn, but I was dying on the ride.

I talked to a trainer friend of mine, and he said that it is due to hot air running over the larynx. It can sometimes make you temporarily lose your voice, or cause heartburn. I usually chew gum while I ride, but on Saturday I was out so I skipped it. According to this guy, if you breathe through your nose (which i do when I chew gum), it cools the air enough to avoid the issue. The problem occurs mostly when you are breathing hot air through your mouth.

Not sure if this has ever happened to anyone else, but I was happy to find it out so that I could skip the worry about food selection and avoid more drugs in my system.
Actually, an apple on an empty stomach almost always gives me indigestion - a lot of malic acid there. Could be caused by numerous things as you point out. My go to before a ride is cottage cheese and a banana.
If I am going for cycling then I take a light breakfast includes some light shakes,juice or fruits etc what we take before going for cycling also effects on our health.

fast delivery
Your diet is already good and goes with your physical activties i guess you should keep doing that but i agree with the comment given that takin apple empty stomach can be the reason behind it.So you need to take it easily.Avoid having that kinda thing without having anything.
Your diet is good and suits your physical activies but given post about apple is something i have to be agree on.
You should avoid taking things like that without having anything.
I've had a lot of this effect, but usually attributed it to my nasal/sinus alergies. Of course that happens more on mountain than road for that reason but the effect is heavier in spring/fall. Energy/sport drinks seem to have a negative effect on the heartburn. Neutral drinks like milk reduce and oddly sometimes coke has a reduction effect. Not sure why other than to say it can possibly be a stomach chemistry thing.
Originally Posted by Coleman32 .

Your diet is good and suits your physical activies but given post about apple is something i have to be agree on.
You should avoid taking things like that without having anything.
Any comments?

Originally Posted by Giosue .

I had a 35 mile ride Saturday. breakfast was an apple with almond butter and chia seeds. I never get heartburn, and that food is not likely to cause heartburn, but I was dying on the ride.

I talked to a trainer friend of mine, and he said that it is due to hot air running over the larynx. It can sometimes make you temporarily lose your voice, or cause heartburn. I usually chew gum while I ride, but on Saturday I was out so I skipped it. According to this guy, if you breathe through your nose (which i do when I chew gum), it cools the air enough to avoid the issue. The problem occurs mostly when you are breathing hot air through your mouth.

Not sure if this has ever happened to anyone else, but I was happy to find it out so that I could skip the worry about food selection and avoid more drugs in my system.
Hey Giosue

Were you under any stress or emotions that day, that alone can give u heart burn regardless of your diet. I used to have a hiatal hernia due to stress it pushes your stomach up and gives you heart burn especially if you eat allot.

Also my cure for heart burn is almond, rice, hazlenut, coconut, sunflower, flax, hemp or some other kind of drink like these. They usually cool it right down like if I am eating too much pasta or acidic foods or under allot of stress.

Now its mostly my diet that gives me heart burn I still get it from stress occasionally. What you ate does not sound like it would give somebody heart burn unless they have a sensitive digestion like me, the apple and almond butter with the chia after u eat it turns into a lump in your stomach with not enough moisture or fiber I find eating almond butter works better with bread, pancakes or wallfes something that mixes with the almond butter so your stomach is not attempting to digest a ball of putty the apple ads some fiber as a catalyst but not enough for me pancakes thin out the almond butter better, I dont eat apples with almond butter or peanut butter anymore for this reason you might to look at the last six meals you had before that to find answers as well if you have good digestion normally and can burn through that type of combination.

Im no professional though only letting you know what works for me through my own experience which may not work for you, take everything I messaged here with a grain of salt.


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