Help with a search - a long shot


New Member
Jul 10, 2006

I'm hoping someone here can help. During the Tour someone posted in a thread a link to a website which had an article about doping. The guy who'd posted the article was something of an extreme amateur athlete who wondered what all the hype was about drugs and what sort of effect they really had. He located someone who could supply the relevant articles and then took them under medical supervision with somewhat amazing results. This was all by way of an experiment.

Unfortunately I can't remember what thread it was in which is a shame cos I wanted to send it to someone. Does anyone know which article I'm talking about? Does anyone know which thread it was in?

Sorry for being such a dummy!
And a huge thank you for the result and your effort - what a star. Not just for finding it but also for knowing which article I was talking about. I'm not normally so woolly headed but I just couldn't think of a single link or name or catch phrase on which to search apart from drugs and as just about every post at the moment conains something on doping .... you get the picture!

Trajectum said: