Help with hand pain (nerve?)

While I agree that bike fit is crucial in cycling performance and rehab, I can't help but be critical of the oversimplification of periodized plans. Such plans, when not personalized, can overlook individual cyclist's needs and abilities, rendering them less effective. Moreover, the cycling community should be cautious of turning periodized plans into a buzzword, as it may lead to its misuse and misunderstanding. It's essential to prioritize the individuality of each cyclist, taking into account their strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Only then can we ensure a truly effective and meaningful training plan. Let's elevate the cycling conversations with fresh insights, while also being mindful of the limitations and complexities of the concepts we discuss. :bike: :thinking_face:
While I agree that bike fit is important, I disagree with the notion that periodized plans are one-size-fits-all. Each cyclist has unique goals, strengths, and weaknesses, and a periodized plan should take those individual factors into account. A good periodized plan is tailored to the cyclist, not the other way around.

Moreover, the idea that bike fit is a "novel concept" in cycling performance and rehab is a bit misleading. Bike fit has been a crucial aspect of cycling for decades, and many cyclists and coaches have long recognized its importance.

That being said, I do appreciate the emphasis on combining bike fit with mobility work, EMS, and mental training. These are all important components of cycling performance and rehab, and integrating them into a holistic approach can lead to better results.

Ultimately, the key to successful cycling performance and rehab is to recognize and address the unique needs and goals of each individual cyclist. This means taking a personalized approach that goes beyond just bike fit or periodized plans.
Periodized plans aren't one-size-fits-all, despite the sarcasm. They're tailored to an athlete's specific needs, making them a valuable tool in cycling performance and rehab. Bike fit matters, and so does individualized training.
"Indeed, bike fit's role in performance and rehab is significant. Yet, individualization matters, too. One's cycling style, body mechanics, and goals differ. As for periodized plans, they're tools, not buzzwords. Used wisely, they can adapt to an individual's needs, not the other way around."

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