Hi, New Girl here.

Originally Posted by velonista
Welcome Elaine! I think it is AWESOME that somebody from the Asian bike industry is a member here! A thousand welcomes!

There is an on-going and growing debate about carbon fiber bike products manufactured in Asia. The majority of Asian bike company haters have ZERO actual hands-on experience with anything sold directly from Asian companies. The haters' position on the subject is based on nothing except "urban myth" and an almost xenophobic fervor in support of Western-marketed "brand names".

Hopefully -- with your point of view as both someone who is enthusiastic about cycling as well as someone who is an industry insider -- your insight can help to debunk some of the myths and bigoted misconceptions the haters have about Asian-made bikes and whatnot.

Looking forward to hearing more from you, Elaine!
Thanks Velonista.
Yes. For Asia bike companies, especially from China, people may have misunderstanding towards them. Maybe because they think we don't know about cycling, but we just make them. Yes. We were poor for a long time, and at the beginning, we just needed orders to help pay our food and our rent. Now, as we are growing, we don't have so much burden on the shoulders, we also are growing the passion into the sports, and grow passion about the technology that makes the sports more fun.

Cycling has changed my personality a lot. I used to feel sorry about myself and my family background a lot. Right now, I become loving lives more and enjoying the beauty that cycling brings me every day.

Quote by velonista:
"The haters' position on the subject is based on nothing except "urban myth" and an almost xenophobic fervor in support of Western-marketed "brand names"."

My Western-marketed Eyetalian frame was outsourced to a Taiwan firm that designed and built the molds and the outsourced the Japanese-sourced carbon layup, autoclave labor, rough and final finishing, painting and decal application to the mainland Chines.

Who should I hate most? The Slovenian-located Eyetalians for being too lazy to build their own frames? The Taiwanese for not even fulfilling a contract themselves? Or the mainland Chinese for building a frame that cracked with less than 9,000 miles on it?

BTW, those www.Wilier.it decals sure are purdy.

Quote by JH:
"Discussion is fine spam is not."

Spam is great! On Western-marketed whole wheat, with Chinese spicy mustard and a little marinara sauce....mmmmmm!

I think it's awesome someone from the Spam industry is here! A thousand calories!

So sad to hear that mainland China have that bad reputation...

Maybe because they have the wrong supplier? I think it is bad to judge a company by where that company is located....

Haha. About Spam...You are a funny guy
Originally Posted by q2cycling

Thanks Velonista.
Yes. For Asia bike companies, especially from China, people may have misunderstanding towards them. Maybe because they think we don't know about cycling, but we just make them. Yes. We were poor for a long time, and at the beginning, we just needed orders to help pay our food and our rent. Now, as we are growing, we don't have so much burden on the shoulders, we also are growing the passion into the sports, and grow passion about the technology that makes the sports more fun.

Cycling has changed my personality a lot. I used to feel sorry about myself and my family background a lot. Right now, I become loving lives more and enjoying the beauty that cycling brings me every day.

I really like your avatar there, Elaine. Very stylish. Going by your avatar and by some of the pictures I've seen in the IM4Journey forum, I can tell that somebody in your team has a tasteful eye for visual appeal.
Originally Posted by q2cycling

So sad to hear that mainland China have that bad reputation...

Yes. Sadly, there are a lot of hate-filled people in my hemisphere of the planet who wish the worst for the hard-working people of your hemisphere of the planet. The dictionary term for them is xenophobes. Colloquially, they're simply known as haters.

I commend you Elaine for stepping into the lion's den that Western bike forums are infamous for being. You are brave. There are a lot of haters in bike forums - for some peculiar reason. As a friendly heads-up from one newby to another, I will share with you a piece of advice my mom always tells me. To put yourself in good stead as you encounter the haters: "Ignore the ignorant".
Very convenient that you have such an advocate that conincidentially is from China also. I may not be a rocket scientist but I know a spam scam when I see one.
Be careful how you proceed from here.
Originally Posted by velonista

I really like your avatar there, Elaine. Very stylish. Going by your avatar and by some of the pictures I've seen in the IM4Journey forum, I can tell that somebody in your team has a tasteful eye for visual appeal.
Thanks Velonista.
Originally Posted by velonista
I will share with you a piece of advice my mom always tells me. To put yourself in good stead as you encounter the haters: "Ignore the ignorant".
Yes. Ignore the ignorant.
We can grow ourselves, put more of our heart into the product and service, and I believe people will have have a different opinion about the products from China.

Thanks Velonista.
Originally Posted by jhuskey
Very convenient that you have such an advocate that conincidentially is from China also. I may not be a rocket scientist but I know a spam scam when I see one.
Be careful how you proceed from here.

I'm just happy that I can undestand the English...

They really dont give a rat's - year - ass about fooling people in forums do they?

Why? Why treat forum - folk like that?
I am not sure why but lately I have the compulsion to sell my bike and put the money toward a kitchen remodel.I think maybe my brain has been washed.
Originally Posted by q2cycling
Right now, I become loving lives more and enjoying the beauty that cycling brings me every day.
I started loving my lives too, even the one where I was a mosquito.
Originally Posted by jhuskey
I am not sure why but lately I have the compulsion to sell my bike and put the money toward a kitchen remodel.I think maybe my brain has been washed.
Did you let yourself get hooked on English Premier League soccer last month?
Originally Posted by mpre53

Did you let yourself get hooked on English Premier League soccer last month?
I am not that far gone. I could always go back and read Campy Bob's old posts for entertainment before I resort to that level.
Originally Posted by jhuskey
I am not that far gone. I could always go back and read Campy Bob's old posts for entertainment before I resort to that level.

Quote by JH:
"I could always go back and read Campy Bob's old posts for entertainment before I resort to that level."

Oh good! A lawyer!

He can afford my residuals!