Hi, New Girl here.

Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
Not as much as the casino down on the Tn./Ga. border.
They would probably trade those back for the whole Eastern region of the US.
If the natives knew centuries in advance that the Europeans were coming, they would have endangered the buffalo and demolished the forests for themselves.
Quote by JH:
"They would probably trade those back for the whole Eastern region of the US"

"No Indian Giving!!!"
The Cherokee had no politicians so they were not familiar with the concept of lying. This put them at a disadvantage with Europeans.
Quote by u2k:
"If the natives knew centuries in advance that the Europeans were coming, they would have endangered the buffalo and demolished the forests for themselves."

We have buffalo in Ohio. There was no buffalo here during the time of the Indians. There are more deer in our forests now than when the Indians roamed the forests. The Indians didn't have the Iron Horse or used car lots. We did.

And we did our casinos with no need to involve the Indians. And just to prove how racist and superior the white eyes are, we have a baseball team named Da Indians and a team mascot named Chief Wahoo!

Us coon-ass crackers won Ohio fair and square.

Now...every 1/16" Indian blood hillbilly wants in on the Free **** Army bandwagon...gimmee my stuff! The Great White Father promised me free stuff!
My dad had two grandmothers full Cherokee and several other ancestors with some degree of Native American. He never asked for anything from the feds. That's just the way people were in this area, no sense of entitlement. They didn't know they were supposed to be sucking on the government ***.
Quote by JH:
"The Cherokee had no politicians so they were not familiar with the concept of lying."

They knew of the concept of lawyers, scoundrels far worse than politicians! (unless the politician was also a lawyer)

In their language:

Examples include ditiyohihi (ᏗᏘᏲᎯᎯ), which means "he argues repeatedly and on purpose with a purpose," meaning "attorney."
Theory has it that the Cherokee came South from the Great Lakes Region. I don't blame them for leaving our craptastic weather.

Ohio was the site of many battles between the white devils and the various tribes of Indians in the area. It was fortunate for the whites that the Indians could rarely stop massacring each other in tribal wars to unite and fight the whites.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB

Ohio was the site of many battles between the white devils and the various tribes of Indians in the area. It was fortunate for the whites that the Indians could rarely stop massacring each other in tribal wars to unite and fight the whites.
Hey! The native Americans were peaceful hippies. Everybody knows that.
Originally Posted by jhuskey

He doesn't Facebook but he had e-mail. He actually liked it there and made friends. I understand he had to be in his room by 9 pm each night. I can't imagine Chinese television being that great but I really don't know. He mentioned going back but who know where he will land. He is in Ireland right now.
If you want to consider the natives that lived here the North American continent goes back many thousands of years in regard to civilizations.
I see.

Why did he have to be in his room by 9 pm?
Chinese television being that great? What do you mean? I don't like watching Chinese channels at all.

Yes. If consider North American natives....That is a long history now.

Where are the natives living now? The Indians?
Originally Posted by urge2kill
If the natives knew centuries in advance that the Europeans were coming, they would have endangered the buffalo and demolished the forests for themselves.
Haha. That's funny. If Chinese knew the Japanese will kill so many Chinese, we will invade them early in the Tang Dynasty.. And make them a part of China....
Quote by u2k:
"Hey! The native Americans were peaceful hippies. Everybody knows that."

Good one!

Yeah, they sat around the camp fire and smoked the 'peace pipe" all day...hunted and fished...ran around the woods with the other guys while the women took care of the hogan, washed the clothes and took care of the kids...


And the white man came along and thought he could improve on THAT?!?!
Quote by q2c:
"Where are the natives living now? The Indians?"

Some are still on the many reservations the Federal government established for them...considered sovereign territories to an extent. Many more live mixed into the rest of society and have been <borg> assimilated </borg>.

Many years ago I had a girlfriend that was 1/16 Cherokee Indian. To hear her tell it, she was Pocahontas. I think she actually was more Indian than that as she was always ready to on the War Path. And she did have that tomahawk nose thing going for her...
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
Quote by u2k:
"Hey! The native Americans were peaceful hippies. Everybody knows that."

Good one!

Yeah, they sat around the camp fire and smoked the 'peace pipe" all day...hunted and fished...ran around the woods with the other guys while the women took care of the hogan, washed the clothes and took care of the kids...


And the white man came along and thought he could improve on THAT?!?!
No feds, no income tax, no divorce lawyers, no traffic jams. It must have been freakin paradise.
Originally Posted by jhuskey
No feds, no income tax, no divorce lawyers, no traffic jams. It must have been freakin paradise.
Haha. That's funny. I love America humor....
Originally Posted by q2cycling
Haha. That's funny. I love America humor....

Cool, let me know if you encounter any here. Ha, beat you to it Bob.:)
jhuskey said:
No feds, no income tax, no divorce lawyers, no traffic jams. It must have been freakin paradise.
Actually, THIS is paradise. Never in human history have so many people enjoyed such a high standard of living. By historic standards, and by contemporary standards in many places across the globe, even "poverty" in the US is living well. Those above poverty live very well indeed. Many people in the US are just caught up in their own "first world problems" and don't appreciate how great they have it.
Quote by MBB:
"Never in human history have so many people enjoyed such a high standard of living."

So you DO have that Morgan and Bentley!

Back to Scheldeprijs...
We have more people on meds and that have mental issues than any time in history. My question is, are people really happier now or do we just have more stuff?