Hot Chicks Are Attracted to FAT Dudes?


New Member
Dec 22, 2005
Last night, my hot 25 year old triathlete niece brought her new boyfriend to a family gathering. The consensus was that he was short and round. He had the gelled hair with the bit in front turned up, he was wearing a baggy squared off shirt, and pants that cut off mid-thigh - the rapper look.

Now I just don't get it. This is the second hot niece to bring home a butter-ball. And I've noticed the couples on TV. Always the woman is hot and quite often the guy is fat. What gives? Am I stuck in a mid-'80's ideal of what a man should look like - a Tom Selleck or Richard Gere type? Has my obsession with cycling and fitness blinded me to thinking that only the svelt have a right to reproduce? Or do women really care more about a guy's personality than looks?
Women were attracted to me when I was fat. Like over 180 lbs or when I was up to 205lbs. Now I'm 145 lbs and looking way better.

I guess women don't care if you're fat too much. I guess they care more if you have a fat wallet.
Yep. It's not the fat in your body, but the fat in your bank account - assuming you will spend some on her. It really makes no difference at all what you look like or even smell like, if you have the bucks are are willling to spend them, you are a chick magnet.
There's no accounting for female sexual psychology. Men who are on death row for sexual murder/torture receive tons of fan mail from women. Also, if you don't already know about it, look up "Stockholm syndrome."
The remarkable thing is that neither fat dude has any money and they drive **** cars. From the comments so far, I guess the young single guys on this forum ought to stop cycling and start making more money, but my wife (52 and still hot) says that this is all wrong. Money doesn't matter. But fortunately we have no complaints in that department so talk is cheap. Still perplexed.

By the way, these women (and my wife) are Croatians from the island Vis on the Adriatic coast.
Virenque said:
Almost my neighbours then..:)
But the two nieces were born here in the US. My wife is 100% old country. I got to her just as the gang plank hit the dock and we've been married 28 years. She tells me that if I get fat it's dovidjenja.
Women like attention, that's the bottom line. If you're out all day riding your bike and lifting weights, you're not the kind of guy they want.
Newton's Fourth Law of (E)Motion:

Whatever you happen to be at present (fat or thin, rich or poor, young or old, educated or dumb, etc.) the girl of your dreams will be going for the opposite.
Pendejo said:
Newton's Fourth Law of (E)Motion:

Whatever you happen to be at present (fat or thin, rich or poor, young or old, educated or dumb, etc.) the girl of your dreams will be going for the opposite.
That was funny! :D :D Got me laughing!
When Red Foxx was an old rusted out fart, he got married to this very hot chick. He was asked where they met. Foxx said, "I just opened my wallet and there she was".

I think the attention thing is it, but you need to PAY attention.
A poll was taked in the US asking women if money was a key factor in choosing a man.
80% said no.
Conclusion: 80% of American women will lie their a** off in a given situation.
slide said:
When Red Foxx was an old rusted out fart, he got married to this very hot chick. He was asked where they met. Foxx said, "I just opened my wallet and there she was".

I think the attention thing is it, but you need to PAY attention.
Red Foxx was the man!!!
Pendejo said:
Newton's Fourth Law of (E)Motion:

Whatever you happen to be at present (fat or thin, rich or poor, young or old, educated or dumb, etc.) the girl of your dreams will be going for the opposite.

LMAO..CanI use this? lol :D
OK, the consensus seems to be that hot chicks are primarily attracted to money. Now, are we talking about the kind of women who work at strip clubs or are we talking about the kind of women who have more to offer, like a positive attitude, intelligence, compassion, and a good sense of humor? Or are all of these too much to ask for or found only with ugly women?

In my mind, this says that it is smarter for a guy to rent a hooker for hundreds when a girlfriend could cost thousands.....