How can I improve distance/speed?


New Member
Sep 7, 2003
Hey, i'm Kevin, I am 17 years old, and have recently got into cycling... I started riding more seriously in August, as opposed to just transportation... I don't have that good of a bike it's an old Raleigh Matterhorn, but I am saving right now for a new bike. I bike about 40 km 4 times a week, going about 25-20km/h... It's on a flat trail with about 4 roads crossing over. I also do squats, and lunges, and high step-ups. I was wondering how I could be able to go farther and get faster. Could I get some opinons on how I can become a stronger rider? Thanks guys, this would be greatly appreciated.
- Kevin
Persistence is the best remedy but also try to find some steep terrain to challenge yourself. This forces you to pull a lot harder. It worked for me and I have been riding off and on for 25 years or so.Don't get discouraged. After doing some really good climbs for a while flat terrain will feel like you are going down hill. I average about 19 mph in rolling hills,which is the best I can do here in the mountains ,everything, is steep here, that is over about a 25 to 30 mile ride.I have been back at it for a year now after a long absence from cycling.The first time I got back on a bike I thought I was going to throw up a Lung. I am 51 years old next month and feel great when riding now. Get a good lite weight bike 20lbs or under or somewhere in that range, with good high pressure tires and clipless pedals if you don't already. Find someone to ride with that is a little better than you and don't ever quit.