How do i find out about rides/races without a facebook?

Peyton Brown

New Member
Jan 13, 2016
Ogden, UT
I started road cycling last year and would like to start going on group rides and maybe do a race. How do I find these things in my area if I don't have a Facebook profile? It seems like everything is posted there.
Most towns and cities these days have cycling clubs that you can join. Even though a lot of their rides will be posted on social media, you'll often find they'll have a website also for you to have a look at, aswell as even the more traditional way and there will be links and posters up in the local town halls and community centres.
Cycling is a hobby that as been slightly on the decline here in the UK, and while there are still clubs around, there's not as many as there used to be.

While that can be a problem if your living in a rural area, most of the towns and cities do still have bike clubs, and they're usually crying out for new members so in that respect they do advertise quite a lot so shouldn't be to hard to find.
Yeah, facebook is the 'go-to' social site for most cyclists. I don't like it to be honest, as the interface is so outdated and it's just such a time sink. I've been using twitter for the past couple of years, it's definitely the more user-friendly alternative but I doubt many users are seriously invested, as they're on fb. But you can still find out about upcoming rides on there too.
Yeah, facebook is the 'go-to' social site for most cyclists. I don't like it to be honest, as the interface is so outdated and it's just such a time sink. I've been using twitter for the past couple of years, it's definitely the more user-friendly alternative but I doubt many users are seriously invested, as they're on fb. But you can still find out about upcoming rides on there too.

Social media does seem to have taken over when it comes to people trying to find anything out, so it comes as no surprise that most of the time clubs will have a Facebook or Twitter page and advertise on their first.

Like I said though, a lot of clubs do need new members so if you font have Facebook or Twitter, then they'll still welcome a quick phone call to find out information that you need, so all isn't lost, just because you might not be techie!
The best way is to go to your local bike shop and ask. Check to see if there's a bulletin board, most cycling clubs post their ride schedule there. That's how we did it before the internet and I've stepped into the bike shops and the club still post the rides there and on their web site. I have yet to see anything posted on Facebook as of yet..
The best way is to go to your local bike shop and ask. Check to see if there's a bulletin board, most cycling clubs post their ride schedule there. That's how we did it before the internet and I've stepped into the bike shops and the club still post the rides there and on their web site. I have yet to see anything posted on Facebook as of yet..

I read this headline and came here to say exactly this!
LBS is where the local bike scene is at, don't mess around on social media.
Go out and talk to the real people in the real world, facebook might be an excellent resource down the road (haha road see what I did there) but you want to connect with the local scene in person.
LBS is perfect. Literally go up to the counter and start asking the man behind it questions. Helps if you make a purchase too.
Well, making a Facebook profile is easy and I think you should create one if you want to be connected with the race groups in your locality. I think there are many other sites on the Internet where you can find the race group. Just search it up on Google and I bet you will find many.
There's no doubt that these days the fact that more an more people have internet access as made searching for anything and everything a lot easier than it'sever been before. As with pretty much any topic you can imagine, you'll be able to find all types of sites both local as well as globally where you can find out about the latest cycling clubs and what they have coming up in regards to what you can get involved in.
Search Your area Bike Rider Groups on Google. Another way is you can go directly to the bike shops and ask them about bike riding schedule to Join a bike ride Group for Race.
I think it's possible with the help of Google and other search engines. Whenever I'm looking for something, it helps to take your time for research. And sometimes you're just lucky to find what you're looking for.
You know, using social media nowadays will help you find information easily. But, without looking or using any digital announcement in related to cycling events, I usually find some cycling events or trails in convenience stores like 7/11 because they usually make some trails events for cyclists. Me and my brother usually signed up and joined in this event created by 7/11.
Local radio stations newspapers or online news articles, and reddit can help to find out any events. Our country's subreddit page usually has a "what's happening this month" thread to find out all the local events occurring in a particular month.
I know that this probably isn't the answer you're going to want to hear, but you're seriously best off just making a Facebook profile.

The thing is that in this day and age, most clubs and communities communicate mainly through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Some groups might even have their own website where you can gather information, but it isn't as likely. Why would someone pay for a domain name and hosting servers when they can share the same information by making a free Facebook page?

I know that many people are skeptical of Facebook thanks to the recent data collecting controversy, but it doesn't mean you have to share private information when signing up. You can create an account under an alias, and use it simply to keep track of local events.

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