How do you pronounce "Mavic"

I've only ever heard it pronounced "ma-VEEK" with the accent on the 2nd syllable and a twinge of that French nasal attitude.
janiejones said:
How do you pronounce "Mavic"?
Anyway you want to Janie. It's your prerogative.

A neighbor of mine who is French\Suisse pronounces it Mai-veek.

DiabloScott said:
Thank you for spelling prerogative correctly!
Yes sir.

Hey Scott, you haven't been playing with matches around any bay area oil refineries have you. :D

Did the Mt. Diablo territory get smoke from the fire ?

lwedge said:
Yes sir.

Hey Scott, you haven't been playing with matches around any bay area oil refineries have you. :D

Did the Mt. Diablo territory get smoke from the fire ?


Heard about that Richmond "shelter in place" this morning on the radio... that's quite a distance and a couple valleys away from Diablo though; no smoke around here. I'd rather live next to a nuke plant than a refinery.
Bob Ross said:
I've only ever heard it pronounced "ma-VEEK" with the accent on the 2nd syllable and a twinge of that French nasal attitude.

Is the correct answer. Have a biscuit.
I bypassed reading this thread for a while, but then I got curious.

I pronounce it like maverick without the R sound... I have no idea if I pronounce it properly, but you asked. :D

Perhaps someone should start a cycling web site with all of the proper brand name pronunciation... Since I assume your real question is, "What is the correct pronunciation of Mavic?"

Or maybe it is a good topic for a wikipedia article. It is definitelty an interesting issue with the international flavor of the cycling industry.
I think I'll have that biscuit now. :D[/QUOTE]
Yes you can have it - what type would you prefer?.
sk8ar said:
I pronounce it like.
Man only Ma
vic like Victor
Ma vic
who knows/cares ?...

never really bothered about it...for me , its either mav-itch or mav-ic ( in "strayan") depending on how many coffees I've had...rarely gets a mention on TV anyway other an as "neutral service" (does it really matter?)...