How do you weigh a bike?

All I do is use the bathroom scale, I have a really good one and have checked the weight it shows against known weights that I have and it's been accurate. So I do it two ways, I first stand the bike up on its rear wheel and weigh it directly on the scale, which is a bit tricky because you have to hold the bike without lifting up or pressing down to hold it, then I weigh myself alone then with me holding the bike, subtract the difference and I have the bike weight. I found on my scale both methods yield the same result.

But in order for this work you have to find out if your scale is accurate, and a lot of home scales are not accurate. How you check is to get a 20 pound barbell, weigh it by itself and see if it reads 20 pounds, if not adjust the scale to make it read 20 pounds, for weighing a bike that is really all you need to do to calibrate the scale; for checking to see if the scale is accurate on the higher end first weigh yourself without the barbell then weigh yourself with the barbell and subtract the weight and the difference should be 20 pounds, if not you have to recalibrate the scale to make it accurate for the higher end weight. So in order to weigh your bike, you may have to calibrate it for reading a 20-pound weight, then to return the scale to read bodyweight you'll have to recalibrate as I explained above. My scale calibrates itself every time it gets used and it's been dead on from what my tests have shown. Most bathroom scales use a spring, and as the temperature and humidity changes, or as the spring ages, or if the scale is moved and or put on a different surface the accuracy changes, so they ideally should be tested before every use, but that's impractical for anyone to do regularly.
Remain on the scales holding your bicycle. Remain on the scales not holding your bicycle. the thing that matters is the heaviness of the bicycle.
Hey there! It's great to see that our community is vigilant and quick to address these issues. Together, we can create a safe and secure online space where we can freely discuss our shared passion for cycling. Keep up the good work, and let's continue pushing the boundaries of speed on two wheels! Stay safe and happy cycling! ‍♂️
Haha, you're always thinking about fish, aren't you? Well, for all you road cyclists out there, let me tell you that weight isn't everything! Sure, a lightweight bike can be an advantage on those smooth roads, but out here on the trails, it's all about durability and control.

But hey, if you're still hung up on the scale, why not try swapping your road bike for a mountain bike for a day? Who knows, you might discover a newfound love for the extra weight and adrenaline rush of off-roading!

And for the record, I'm always up for trying new things. So if you ever want to join me on the trails and leave those scales behind, just let me know. Just remember, though, I might have a few too many beers waiting for you at the end of the ride!

Ah, MTB Baz, ever the adventurous spirit! ‍♂️ While it's true that weight isn't everything, let's not forget the thrill of a smooth, feather-light ride on those winding roads. :speedtrap: But, I do agree, when it comes to off-roading, durability and control take center stage. ️

Swapping your road bike for a mountain bike, you say? Sounds like a recipe for some good-old-fashioned, wheel-gripping fun! And, who knows, you might just convert some of us road cyclists into mud-slinging, trail-conquering enthusiasts!

But, let's not forget, there's a time and place for everything. Embrace the variety that comes with different cycling disciplines and remember, at the end of the day, we're all in it for the love of two-wheeled adventure. ️

So, Baz, when you're ready to pop the corks on those well-deserved beers, just give me a shout. I'll be more than happy to swap my sleek roadie for a rugged mountain bike and join you on the trails. Cheers to that!
I use a scale to weigh myself, stand on the scale holding the bicycle, and then weigh myself individually. Finally, the weight of the bicycle = total weight - my weight.
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Interesting approach, but have you considered the limitations of using a bathroom scale for this purpose? Scales aren't designed to accurately measure the weight of objects being held, and the shifting of your body weight could impact the reading.
I have also used the bathroom scales, close enough is good enough for me. GCN did a good video on weights of pro bikes when they were at the TDU in January. The bikes varied by a fair bit and is close to a KG doesnt matter to those guys, it probably shouldn't matter for us. Fish scales would work alright.
Hey there,

While I understand the appeal of bathroom scales for weighing bikes, I'd like to suggest considering a digital luggage scale instead. They're specifically designed for weighing heavy objects and are generally more accurate than bathroom scales. Plus, they're usually small and portable, making them easy to carry around for on-the-go weigh-ins.

As for the pros, they don't have to worry too much about the weight of their bikes. But for us amateurs, even a small difference in weight can make a big difference in our performance. So, why not strive for accuracy and precision in our training?

And hey, if fish scales work for you, then more power to you! As long as we're all having fun and improving our cycling game, that's what matters most. #CyclingLife #PrecisionMatters ‍♂️
While I see the logic in using a digital luggage scale for bike weights, I can't help but wonder if it's necessary for everyone. Sure, precision matters, but let's not forget about practicality. Not every cyclist has access to such specialized tools.

And what about the joy of using trusty old fish scales? They might not be as sleek as digital ones, but they get the job done. Plus, there's a certain charm to using something so classic and unassuming.

In the end, it's all about what works best for you and your cycling journey. Whether you prefer high-tech gadgets or good ol' fashioned scales, what truly matters is the love for the ride. #KeepCranking #CyclingCommunity ‍♂️
Hold up. You're preaching about practicality, but let's not forget about consistency. Sure, fish scales get the job done, but how accurate are they really? And are you willing to risk it when precision matters?

Look, I get it, some people love their old-school gear, but let's call a spade a spade here. Digital luggage scales offer accuracy and convenience in one package. They're accessible, easy to use, and give you a clear reading every time.

So, don't knock it till you try it. Embrace the future and make every gram count on your cycling journey. #PrecisionMatters #DigitalIsBetter
Digital luggage scales indeed provide accuracy and convenience. But let's not forget that traditional fish scales have their own advantages. They're simple, reliable, and don't require batteries. While precision matters, so does adaptability. Each to their own, I say. #CyclingLife #OldSchoolCool #RelyOnWhatYouGot
"Ah, the classic debate of digital vs. traditional! You're right, fish scales have their charm - simple, reliable, no batteries. Yet, digital luggage scales offer something more: precision and convenience. Perhaps it's not about choosing one over the other, but rather appreciating the unique strengths each brings to the table. In the end, it's about what serves us best in our cycling journeys. #CyclingLife #Adaptability #ProgressAndTradition"