How many unicyclists in your school?

I'm one of two unicyclists at my school.

I taught the other guy, but he's not that good. He just doesn't have
the natural physique or finesse as The Steve. He's also not as modest
as me.


-\"i live on the edge. sometimes i fall off.\"-

la vie est belle...

harper is my hero.
unisteve's Profile:
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11 at least, maybe 12. There's a couple people who can ride, but
aren't in the club, but we have 10 active riders in the club. And I
think we recently recruited 2 more padawan learners :D

Of the 10, 2 can barely ride, the rest can all freemount no problem,
and a couple can juggle and such. Only 6 of us have unis, and 2 guys
are working on breaking theirs so they can upgrade to something that
doesn't suck :D

Anyone looking for a UNIversity next year, Bishop's has a club! (I
love pimping the club ;))


Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total
obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and
through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see
its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will

* Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.

I'm late for checkers with the Dalai Lama!

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evil-nick's Profile:
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All that I know of at my school is myself and my friend whom I taught
(monkeyman on the forums). We both ride very regularly together.


'My Unicycling Journal'
officially ended.
'MR - Reply 40,000' (
I am an MRian prophet, follower of 768
dudewithasock's Profile:
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lets see...
there is me.
this one guy who says that he can ride, but i have never seen him.
i am teaching one person to ride and have about 5 other people who have
shown interest. but we have a small campus around like 6,000 people
total and mainly all farmfolk.


They say cookies hide behind every door,
then I must be opening windows.
-this is my brother jims version of-
The say love hides behind every corner, then I must be walking in
dorkybarb's Profile:
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2.5, one guy I know saw me riding then bought a uni and learned to ride,
I don't think he does it much. One of my friends borrowed my 16" a
while ago and learned to ride a little bit, I don't think he is really
interested in it so I counted him as a half;)

AIM: Litldude2
Email: Litldude2 (att) aol (dott) com
(See a pattern?)
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For a few months after arriving at University, I thought I was the only
one. Then a guy rode past me on his coker. That makes two...then I
found out one of the climbing instructors is also learning to
ride....3....and now, I'm helping one of my friends who lives in halls
with me to learn. So almost 4!


If you're too open minded....your brain will fall out.

[email protected]
MattyJ's Profile:
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well me and this one guy who... can ride... not with much skill.. but he
can go forward.. once he gets up with support... but he can go forward
decently... but i dont know of any others.. and i mean.. most know i
do.. so i think if any one else did.. they might talk to me about it..

so 2 and i think im the only owner of a UNI


*><> unicycle for christ <><*
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