How much weight loss is healthy?

You have given most useful information here I hope it will provide great help for everyone to stay healthy and fit.
I found a nifty wait loss scheme.

Check online for your local DMV office and just go to the one with the shortest wait time.
swampy1970 said:
I found a nifty wait loss scheme. Check online for your local DMV office and just go to the one with the shortest wait time.
By walking or riding a bike to the DMV office with the shortest lines, you can minimize your weight and wait in the same trip.
I used to walk on way to my office about 5 miles. when I started my first job. I felt very active while doing this activity and became very smart but weight was normal. Should I continue to walk 5 miles daily? is this good for health or riding is best? I ride about 40 miles a week and go to the countryside on weekend.
printingray said:
I used to walk on way to my office about 5 miles.  when I started my first job. I felt very active while doing this activity and became very smart but weight was normal. Should I continue to walk 5 miles daily? is this good for health or riding is best? I ride about 40 miles a week and go to the countryside on weekend.
No, it's not good for your health. Quit walking and immediately start smoking Camel unfiltered cigarettes. While you're at it you should take your printing spam and shove it some where stinky, dark, and very uncomfortable.
Originally Posted by yurikahanachi .

Ten pounds per week is acceptable

I would be interested to hear about the logistics of a 10lb weekly weight loss plan. Lot's of spitting in a cup? Sitting in a sauna in a sweatsuit? Deep colonics? All the above in addition to simply not eating? I am surprised I have not heard of this miracle plan before.
danfoz said:
I would be interested to hear about the logistics of a 10lb weekly weight loss plan. Lot's of spitting in a cup? Sitting in a sauna in a sweatsuit? Deep colonics? All the above in addition to simply not eating? I am surprised I have not heard of this miracle plan before.
It's not a miracle plan because eventually the person on that diet gains all their weight back or gets ill from malnutrition. On the plus side, lots of anorexic people use this plan successfully. It's also commonly used in refugee camps and nations led by despotic regimes.
Originally Posted by alienator .

It's also commonly used in refugee camps and nations led by despotic regimes.
I'm amazed the modelling industry has not caught on to this potential wellspring of runway talent.
35 lbs in 3.5 months is only 10lbs a month or about 2.5 lbs a week. that is right at normal (CW) acceptable weight loss, congrats
mari33201 said:
 35 lbs in 3.5 months is only 10lbs a month or about 2.5 lbs a week. that is right at normal (CW) acceptable weight loss, congrats
You should do us all a favor try losing 2.5lbs a week for the next 2 years...
Originally Posted by Hillrider .

if you die its unhealthy
had a good laugh on that.

On topic now: Losing weight should be no concern as long as you do it the right way. If you keep on cycling and combine that with a healthy diet, you'll replace fat with muscles. Get good amounts of proteins and carbs and you'll be okay.
All the way down to 5/6 percent body fat should be okay. After that, you're actually going to start burning muscle instead of fat. This will ruin performance. My advice is to eat more as you work out more so that you balance out weight and energy loss with more foods.
I never liked it when people would use the word weight in association with fat loss. Your overall weight is a mixture of water, muscle, and fat. You can lose several pounds in one workout via sweat, but that doesn't mean your losing fat.

You want to maintain your muscles, keep hydration up, and lose fat. That is the main goal in workouts.
As josh already stated total body weight is muscle fat and water. But I will add if you don't eat protein your body will start to cannibalize it's self. Which mean your body will eat away at your muscles when it runs out of fat to burn off. So be careful of these diets that are promise results that don't include protein.
adfnio said:
As josh already stated total body weight is muscle fat and water. But I will add if you don't eat protein your body will start to cannibalize it's self. Which mean your body will eat away at your muscles when it runs out of fat to burn off. So be careful of these diets that are promise results that don't include protein.
Correct. I'll also add that you stay away from insulin spiking foods. Once insulin is up, any calories that are consumed are sent straight to storage/fat. Don't eat sugar, starches, and keep carbs down. Those will spike your insulin levels.
When it comes to weight loss, you should rely upon BMI at least when you're eating healthy and exercising properly. BMI is a good indication if you're at a health or not weight, especially combined with body fat percentage. It's a general reading, but I feel like it works as a guideline as long as every other aspect of your health is in good standing.