HRM's in the City


New Member
Jan 10, 2004
I am thinking of buying a Polar S710 but as most of my cycling is in the city was wondering if interference would make it unusable.

Can anyone comment on their experience with these units in large towns or cities?
I found that the following things set it off (heart rate, speedo maxing out):
Heavy duty power lines
electric train lines

apart from that i dont have many other problems.
I used it when i was couriering a couple of weeks ago, using a two-way radio all day and it didnt affect it at all.
Passing under tram (if your city has them) or train lines will mess with the readings when you pass under them.

Very occasionally on more humid days, standard overhead power lines might cause a very occasional blip in the readings, but nothing constant. The huge "space invader monster" looking lines have a pretty good chance of interfering for a few seconds.

Apart from that I have no problems at all around Melbourne.
I use a Polar 720 with wireless apeed and cadence. I train about 6 days/week, in Manhattan during the week, on Long Island on weekends. Many things cause false readings: Unshielded powerlines, and certain types of alarm systems the main culprit. For instance, if I'm training in Central Park in NYC, the ride to and from the park is loaded with garbage readings (Speeds in excess of 60 mph, cadences in the 190s and other fairy tales) However, once inside the park, the data is always perfect. The ride home is equally fraught with dirty data.
In suburban areas, like Long Island where I ride on the weekends, there is much less interference, except when riding through very wealthy neighborhoods, where the alarm-system errors creep back in. You get to know which houses throw off your readings, its always the same ones.
Finally, I recently discovered that power-generating equipment can also play havoc with your data. I rode through a park where there was a very large holiday lightshow being erected. Every time I passed one of the portable generators, it shut off my HRM.

All of the above is a bit of a hassle, as I have to then go back and error-correct my files before e-mailing them to my coach. However, I think that the benefits of using the 720 for training easily outweighs these annoyances.