I found a free great guide/book for new cyclists

Apr 26, 2018
Hello, Cycling Forums members!

Some of us here are new when it comes to cycling and bicycles in general. I found a great book written by a moderator of the Reddit cycling community, Matthew Schoolfield. His bike is entitled "How to Bike: A modern guide to Urban Cycling". It has all the content that is great for beginners like buying guides, how to act on the road, how to protect your bicycle from thieves, etc.

Here's the link: http://howtobike.info/
I do think that its a good resource for people who's just starting out in cycling, it does maps out the do's and donts and the right way of cycling. I believe that it could help a newbie a lot.
This is nice to know that one can get through the the book and use it to get better in the world of cycling. I have been practicing and understands that riding the bike is one of the best activities that one can get into.
I do think that its a good resource for people who's just starting out in cycling, it does maps out the do's and donts and the right way of cycling. I believe that it could help a newbie a lot.

Newbies in the world of cycling are going to learn so much by using the book. However, I am of the opinion that it is also better that they practice the things learnt to become better.