I know I'm riding too much, because...


New Member
Jun 17, 2004
This morning when I was getting ready for work, I grabbed 2 packets of Gu and a spare tube, before realizing I had no pockets behind me to stick them in.

When I start putting on my Sidis to drive to work, I'll seek medical help. ;)
Heh. I havent done that yet, although I have brought all my gear to work (bike included is the key lol) so I could save that precious 15 minutes or so and drive directly from the office to my ride location. This was at my old job. They all thought I was bike crazy. :D Too bad none of them were cyclists though.

One thing I find I do all the time (I'm sure we all do this) is I'll be driving along on the highway or in some random place and I'll see a road down under the overpass, or even just the road I am on, and I'll be scouting it with cycling eyes. Imagining what it would be like to ride on it, looking for road debris, gauging the terrain and looking for ways to connect it to a longer route. Its kind of hard to leave at least the cycling mindset with your gear. That goes everywhere. ;)
Originally posted by graf zeppelin
Its kind of hard to leave at least the cycling mindset with your gear. That goes everywhere. ;)

No kidding, I will even be sitting in a movie theater watching a scene with the open road and start wondering what it would be like to ride in that road.

Your not alone.

The only time I think I'm cycling too much is when I fall asleep before my lovely wife joins me for the night in bed (and then I either get a good nights sleep so I'm recharged for a ride the next day or woken up - either way I win).

Even though the forecast is rain, I stand in full bike gear on my back porch & look up into the sky for a break in the grey clouds for at least 15mins before I accept it.
I've forgotten how to walk.. should I be worried about this?

Originally posted by cydewaze
This morning when I was getting ready for work, I grabbed 2 packets of Gu and a spare tube, before realizing I had no pockets behind me to stick them in.

When I start putting on my Sidis to drive to work, I'll seek medical help. ;)

1. When the kids complain when you give them power bars for their lunch becuase thats the only food left in the pantry

2. You serve GUs as entrees during dinner parties

3. You prefer discussions on waxing/shaving than football

4. You receive Christmas and Birthday cards from bike shops

5. You trade in your car as a deposit on your new bike

6. You wake your wife up at 3.00am to tell her your cadence feels funny

7. You factor in a "bike storage room" into your renovation plans

8. Your bike clothes are the latest fashion but the rest of your wardrobe is a disaster

9. You think Third World Aid is a new sports drink

10. You choose roof racks instead of Anti-lock brakes as the free accesory on your new car

11. You ride your bike more ks/mls than you drive your car

12. You serve wine from a biddon

13. You try to get out of the seat and stand as you drive up a hill

14. you own your own car but are making installments on your bike

15. your tyres on you bike cost more than on your car
Originally posted by dorkpants
rain stops you riding?!

Maybe some people, but last night (and I do mean after dark) I was headed home. I was sitting at a stop sign in a driving rain,and by driving I mean about 10 feet visibility, when I thought I saw someone go by on a bike. I couldn't believe it! This was on a highly traveled mountain road, that I hesitate to ride in full daylight in the off season but this is full tourist season, at night, 2 lane steep curvy road in a, monsoon. What is the fine line between dedication and insanity. He did have a flasher. Thats the only way you could see him. I just checked the local paper for road fatalities. I guess he made it? Call me a fair weather ride but in that rain I would have stopped under the overpass for a while and would not have been on that road at night to start with. The tourist here scare the hell out of me in broad daylight while I'm in my car.:confused:
I've noticed that my knees come up really high when I walk now.
I tend to take about 90 steps per minute, too.

Originally posted by jhuskey
Maybe some people, but last night (and I do mean after dark) I was headed home. I was sitting at a stop sign in a driving rain,and by driving I mean about 10 feet visibility, when I thought I saw someone go by on a bike. I couldn't believe it! This was on a highly traveled mountain road, that I hesitate to ride in full daylight in the off season but this is full tourist season, at night, 2 lane steep curvy road in a, monsoon. What is the fine line between dedication and insanity. He did have a flasher. Thats the only way you could see him. I just checked the local paper for road fatalities. I guess he made it?

Maybe no on has found the body yet...

This is funny. Yeah routine we get into the routine. It's a good thing though to be on automatic bike ride zone. I like Aussiecycler's list.