Impact of bike racks on buses


New Member
Dec 16, 2009
I am in the market to get a new commuter bike. I have a 9 mile one-way commute, and I want to start riding to work in the morning and busing home (with the bike) in the evening. Currently I ride the bus both ways, and put my old beater bike on the bus rack.

My non-engineer observation is that the bus starting and stopping puts a lot of stress on a bike in places a bike is not designed to be stressed. For example, the bike is locked in by the wheels, but the top is free to tilt forward and back. Even with that arm over the front tire, the bikes shift around quite a bit. Anyway, I really didn't care about this with the old bike, but I don't want to inflict damage on a new bike that I expect to ride about 200 miles per month.

--Is this bus rack observation off base? Is this anything to be concerned about?
--Would you put your "good" bike on a bus 5-days a week, 52 weeks a year for 30 minute trips?

I don't know if your buses have the same rack system as the ones in my town, but the ones here are perfectly safe.

That said, I'd ride the full round trip; when I started bike-commuting, the route was 14 miles RT. It increased to 18 after buying my house. My bike saw the bus rack once, when I hurt myself at work and couldn't ride.

It may take you longer at first, but you'll get used to it quickly.
alienator said:
The bike racks on buses won't hurt your bike at all.

Unless you have baskets loaded full or a lot of stuff strapped to the bike, then it can bend the wheels. I have seen and heard that it has happened to a few loaded down bikes. But if it is just the empty bike you will be OK. I drive a city bus with the racks on them.:)