Installing B&M Lumotec


New Member
Dec 2, 2007
I just got a B&M Lumotec Retro to replace the standard incandesant light on my roadster. I'm currently just using a cheap bottle dyno to power it.

Problem is, I can't get it to work.
The bottle generator just has a single power lead coming off of it. The Lumotec light has a ground and power cable coming off it. I would assume I simply have to connect the power to power, and ground the ground, but this doesn't seem to work.

The light system is set up assuming you're also using a dyno powered rear light, and has connections on the front light to connect the power supplies for the rear. Do I have to short these connections to complete the circuit to make the front light work? (I am aware that I have to replace the 2.4W bulb with a 3W to prevent early bulb failure, but I'm not worried about that for now)

Problem fixed.

It turns out there were two problems with the light itself:

1: The leads were reversed. The directions said black/white cable was ground, but that was actually power. This prevented the LED portion of the light from working.

2: The internal contact springs which hold the halgoen bulb in place were bent out of place. This meant that when the lamp was assembled and the bulb pushed in, it didn't go in far enough to contact the back connection.

Both of these things were kind of a let down since I've heard good things about this brand/product.

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