Just another drug scandal


New Member
May 26, 2003
Surely even the Europeans can see that if the UCI do not take drastic action, Professional Cycling will become the joke that All American Pro Wrestling is - just another stage managed farce.Some serious (and universal) testing protocols and non appealable lifetime bans might be drastic surgery but without it, our sport is DEAD!!!!!!
Perhaps if amateur cyclists around the world should flood the websites of the big sponsors with our concerns, they might get the message that they can't afford their products to be associated with cheats.
What say you?
Originally posted by Tezza
Surely even the Europeans can see that if the UCI do not take drastic action, Professional Cycling will become the joke that All American Pro Wrestling is - just another stage managed farce.Some serious (and universal) testing protocols and non appealable lifetime bans might be drastic surgery but without it, our sport is DEAD!!!!!!
Perhaps if amateur cyclists around the world should flood the websites of the big sponsors with our concerns, they might get the message that they can't afford their products to be associated with cheats.
What say you?

Sounds like someone´s been reading the headlines and not the stories : seen the latest about THG (made in the USA , well california anyway ) , the positive tests hidden by the US athletics / olympic organisations over a period of about 15 years?
An american football player caught taking THG ( designer steroid ) was given a four (!) match ban .
Cycling has a problem : it´s a lot less than most sports but makes a high profile whipping boy so that the suits can say something is being done without costing them their five star life style - what would a purge on doping in football cost the clubs/ TV / FIFA I wonder ????? cheaper to nail cyclists .

and what about ATP trainers giving tennis players drugs WITH OUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE ( these are trainers employed by the ATP not by the players who have their own coaches )