Just got door'd... saved by helmet!!!


New Member
Feb 28, 2004
The first time ever... and I wasn't riding a bike!!!!

In my workplace carpark I was walking between cars when a driver opened his car door the sharp top corner of which would have hit me in the chest had it not been for the helmet I was carring at exactly that height.

The motorist said "Sh*t! I doored a cyclist!" and nodded to the back seat of his car... sitting there was HIS helmet.

What your "doored" story?
I was riding down a one way street that was surely not meant for street parking, but alas no story without the cars. The street was very narrow and one or two cars lined the side of the road. He opened his door and it was a semi closeline, what I mean is that his window was open, my head went above the doors, arms through the window, and bike/feet crumpled underneath. Lets just say I ride and window peak just a bit more now