Knee Pain


New Member
Dec 12, 2003
I have been having a pain in the back of my knee. The muscular area/soft tissue area behind my knee has been hurting. Does anyone have any idea why my riding would be causing this pain. The pain is coming from riding but hurts when i walk and climb or descend stairs. This pain started on a strenuous ride and has been persisent ever since.:confused:
Maybe do some stretching. Probally better to go see a doctor or physio than rely on info you see on here:)
Recheck your fit setup. Depending how it is,i read to much one way is pain behind the knee,maybe seat to high or low,i forget.
It sounds like classic symptoms of patella femoral syndrome. This is where the cartiledge underneath the patella erodes away, leaving the kneecap not sliding in its grooves properly. I had this myself 2 years ago. I would strongly advise going to see a sports physio. Essentially you would need to build up the VMO muscle so that the patella is running in line properly. Stretching exercises will definitely help, and you must check your postion on the bike. I would also recommend taking glucosamine & cod liver oil, to help with cartliledge damage.