Lactic acid not the cause of muscle fatigue?

sogood said:
Lets just say that opinion is based on career experience and knowledge. Something a bit more directly related than just chemistry. :p
yeah, something like we should just trust in the opinion... and work actually of Nobel Laureate Myerhoff on his old lactic acid - muscle fatigue theory... that proved in the end to be complete and utter bull sh!t.. something like that eh?

i could not give a rats ass about anyone's qualification.. bottom line, if your reasoning is supect and if you can't reasonably explain or demonstrate why your opinions are correct then you are just talking out of your ass... sorry, i'm just not into this whole faith thing... :p
doctorSpoc said:
i could not give a rats ass about anyone's qualification...
Sure, but you do care about your own and have to specially PS it.
ps.. i have a degree in chemistry and know the precise the meaning of denatured.
sogood said:
Sure, but you do care about your own and have to specially PS it.

wtf... man... are you are as dumb as a stump?

i'm stating a FACT.. the definition of denatured.. something that anyone with a chem degree should know... i'll say it again... it's a FACT... i wasn't giving you my opinion as a chemist <shaking my head> i'm actually stating a fact as fact... being a chemist actually qualifies me to know that definition.

this is in contrast with you... that think you can just higely, wigely state you opinion as fact and just say trust me i'm an expert without... a) qualifying it as your opinion or b) giving anything like proof or c) giving any kind of compelling arguement as to why competing hypotheses are less valid or c) then have the odasity to tell someone who does qualify there words... well you are qualifing your words therefore your words are some how less valid... wha??

look, just because you make a proclamation no, matter how qualified you are, if you don't come with a proper arguement or proof, you are, as i said, just talking out of your ass.

you come with nothing and you expect us to just follow along... you have to come with something compelling... i don't care who you are.

to the OP... i'm really sorry for this tangent...

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