Marin Hawk Hill Question



Having spent ages hunting round the net for a deal on a Hawk Hill I have
come up with nothing.

Does anyone know of anywhere this bike (2004 model) is available for less
than £465.



> than £465.
> Si

Thanks for that. Having looked at their page the Bobcat also looks to be an
option, but are the parts on the Hawk Hill significantly better than the
Bobcat or does the Bobcat scrimp to allow the disc brakes?


I spent ages looking for a bike back in Autumn 2001. I tried severa
different models and the one I found to be the best was a Mari

The reason I picked it out was because it was the most comfortable o
all the bikes I tried. I guess the frame geometry suited by body shape

Anyway, several thousand miles later, and several different countries
I'm still riding it and am very happy with it

On the other hand, I heard a story about someone who had a Marin bik
and the frame broke on him; when he asked if he could return it, h
was refused

On Tue, 18 May 2004 21:15:53 +0100, "Broadband Campaigner"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Thanks for that

No probs. I saved £200 on a bike with a RRP of £700... I'll be
buying my next bike from them.


Broadband Campaigner wrote:

>>than £465.

> Thanks for that. Having looked at their page the Bobcat also looks to be an
> option, but are the parts on the Hawk Hill significantly better than the
> Bobcat or does the Bobcat scrimp to allow the disc brakes?
> Thanks
> Si

The forks on the Hawk Hill are significantly better. MZ Cmps are very
good imo. Alivio is slightly better than acera but not greatly so. again
imo. Personally I would go for the Hawk Hill, as I am not a big fan of
cable disks, the better components and forks would sway me.
I have a Marin Fairfax and before that had a Marin for about 10 year
and hardly ever had any problems great well made bikes and very reliabl
in my experienc
