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Just back from a camping / cycling weekend in Aberfoyle - let me tell you, the Midges were an
absolute nightmare.

We pitched tent in a fairly large clearance in a field around 7:30pm - average weather. After
pitching the tent, we sat in it for maybe 30 minutes and suddenly started to hear what sounded like
gentle rain. Opened the front door and I am not exaggerating when I say around 2000 midges had
gathered at the door. We got out the tent as quickly as possible, probably swallowing 30 of the
little shites as we ran for cover. After getting a thick hooded top on and tying the hood tight
around my head, leaving only space for my eyes, I dismantled the tent and stuck it in the car -
managed to find a proper camp site, took the highest point in a good breeze and the midges were no
were to be seen.

Next day, we started our cycle and managed to stay Midge free until Loch Katrine. Around two mile
around Loch Katrine I started to swallow hordes of the little buggurs and every part of my body was
being bitten! My eyes were also filling with Midge and I was infuriated, cursing terribly at the
annoying little *****. Around 5 mile of the Loch Katrine section was swarming with Midge and there
was no real way of escape, just cycled as fast as I could and looked forward to the open road.

After Loch Katrine the Midges seemed to fade away, although I now look like I have the worst case of
measles you have ever seen. I finished the cycle around 5:30 pm and I am still itching like mad, I
must say it has put a total damper on an otherwise perfect weekend.

If you are planning cycling in the Trossachs soon, be warned - these midge are on steroids.

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