New female cyclist needs advice on female regions!


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
Yesterday was my first time to ride by bike. I haven't been on a bike in YEARS - MANY, MANY YEARS!!!!!! Thing is, my "yoo-ha" is KILLING ME! Okay, so maybe not exactly my "yoo-ha," but on each side of that area, it feels bruised. I tried to ride again today, and today I put some pads on each side. I'm wearing the shorts with the padded areas in them, but the sides down there are not protected by those pads.

Any suggestions? Do I just need to cowgirl up? Will it get better? I feel like someone beat the **** out of me down there yesterday, and then today when I tried to ride - (didn't last very long), I feel like someone was beating me with a bat in that area.

ANY SUGGESTIONS? HELP!!!!! I want to ride again today, and I definitely am going to tomorrow no matter what, and I know there will be some pain involved, but my legs, my butt, my thighs - pain there, I can take; this other area is killing me!

(Sorry to be so repetitive, but as you can probably tell, I'm hurting!)

Thanks for your time!
Well things get "conditioned" to the extra stress in these areas in time. But I'd suggest that you post this question on the Women's Forum (look down the list of forums) to get some expert advice from those in the know.
p38lightning said:
Well things get "conditioned" to the extra stress in these areas in time. But I'd suggest that you post this question on the Women's Forum (look down the list of forums) to get some expert advice from those in the know.
Great suggestion! Thank you so much! I accidentally posted it twice here. I'm feeling MUCH better today and getting ready to go riding now.