Newbie to power. 09 sl+ on the way, best book or resource?

In addition to those two excellent resources, you might want to check out this for power training applied ala Lydiard:

If you buy into this approach (which I do if you search my many posts on the topic) then you should also search these forums and the web for info on SST (Sweet Spot Training). It's not strictly power training as you could train with that basic philosophy without any fancy instrumentation, but it's definitely well suited to power work and power meters make it easy to track progress and workout quality.

Thank you Dave! I'll check it out.

daveryanwyoming said:
In addition to those two excellent resources, you might want to check out this for power training applied ala Lydiard:

If you buy into this approach (which I do if you search my many posts on the topic) then you should also search these forums and the web for info on SST (Sweet Spot Training). It's not strictly power training as you could train with that basic philosophy without any fancy instrumentation, but it's definitely well suited to power work and power meters make it easy to track progress and workout quality.

About 10 pages into the article. Great stuff! It's like a huge review for me since I have a degree in Exercise Phys-1992 seems like so long ago. :) Thanks again for the great link.
