Nina's Dumbell Weights Routine


Roger Zoul

Original here:

Dumbell Weights Routine:

These work with whatever dumbells you have (obviously) but your best
(and most economical) bet is to get some adjustable plate dumbells.
Those are dumbells where you can put on different weight plates. You
can get a 40 lb set with collars and rods for something like $20, but
check out Play it Again Sports if you have one in your area, they've
got 'em for cheap. I suggest adjustable as you'll make quick progress,
and so you don't have to keep going out and buying more dumbells as you

Some basic sites to check out:
Info & WT form:

FAQ on WT (from

There are many types of routines: full body, upper/lower split,
push/pull, what have you. You can pyramid up in weight or start heavy
and go light, or start light and go heavy. Personally, for teh basic
weight trainer, you don't really need to be so complicated.

For beginners, I like to suggest a full body routine 2-3 times a week,
making sure there's at least a day of rest inbetween. Why full body?
Because you'll won't be lifting as heavy as you can when you begin (as
you're getting your form down) and newbies generally make excellent
progress. Doing full body more frequently at the beginning makes sense
as it gives your brain time to adapt to the movements you'll be doing.
This is called CNS adaptation, or Central Nervous System adaptation.

Usually people think "wow, I must be putting on scads of muscle" because
your weight may stagnate or rise and your lifts will go up; however,
this is generally due to the fact that your muscles are carrying a bit
of extra water to repair the damage and CNS adapatation. In the end,
don't worry. You'll progress how you progress. It doesn't matter if
you're lifting 5 pounds or 500 pounds, it matters that you're expending
maximum effort with good form. Add some cardio and eat correctly and
you'll be happy with the results.

Ah, cardio. The evil word. If you're doign cardio on WT days, do it
after you lift. Sure, you'll want to warm up 3-10 minutes on whatever
cardio machine of torture is least painful, but longform cardio shoul d
be kept to the end. You'll get more benefit out of your weight training
session, and lifting on depleted glycogen stores is no fun at all, while
doing cardio with depleted glycogen is slightly less painful.

So now it's time to lift!

You'll start light, but end lifting as heavy as you can in GOOD FORM.
Form is key. Do 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps per exercise. Rest 1-3 minutes
between sets. You'll probably start out resting less when you begin,
but as you lift heavier, you'll have longer rest periods. Up to you.
Nothing magic about it. Okay, let's go:

squats (legs, butt, thighs)
another pic:
take notes on form from:

The squat is a tricky exercise, one that takes getting used to. I'd
suggest starting to do it without dumbells, just with bodyweight. And
check out everything here:

For women, generally a stace with feet slightly wider than shoulder
width apart - or even wider (not shoulder width like most trainers will
tell you) and toes pointed slightly out is more suited to out personal
biomechanics. But experiment and see what feels right for you. My only
caveat: once you find a comfortable unweighted stance, use it for when
you add weight. Don't start tinkering too much until you've got your
form down right.

Sit back and down. Keep chest high. Ah,squats.

dumbell presses (chest)

SLDL (hamstrings) - bottom of the page

She's using a barbell but you can use dumbells. Please note the form!
As soon as your back starts to round, come back up. Do NOT go to the
floor. You should only lower yourself to the point right before your
back starts to round. What that point is depends on your flexibility.

A lot of sites (and a lot of trainers) teach this in a dangerous manner,
insisteing the trainee go al the way to the floor. What you're doing
when you round your back is letting all those lovely little muscles in
the low back take the entire load as opposed to the hamstrings. And
M-O-O-N, that can spell injury. So listen to your friendly neighborhood
SlackMistress, mmmkay?

rows (back)

bicep curls (biceps)

calf raise

tricep extension (triceps) *** if this exercise bugs your elbows, pick
another exercise fom the site.

shoulder press (shoulders)

weight crunches with the dumbell on your chest

This is roughly the order I'd do 'em in, going from larger muscle groups
to smaller.

I'm missing a lat exercise: you could add in chins if you've got a chin
up bar at home. But I wouldn't worry about 'em for now. You can start
adding in different exercises or such once you get used to this.
Fr'example, one workout day I might do squats, the next workout day I
might deadlift. Or workout day one I might do bench press and workout
day two I'll do incline bench. But just get the basics down for now.

Have fun, be careful, and DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness, which
you will be having) can be alleviated by some light cardio the next

As to diet, if you're not doign a TKD or CKD, then simply have a protein
shake after you lift. Or have your highest-carb meal of the day
directly after you lift. Keep it as low fat as poosible, though, as you
want all that goodness to go straight to your muscles and not spend time
in your stomach waitin' to get all disgested-like.

A few more things:

The soreness will go away. Just 'cause you're sore doesn't mean you've
accomplished anything more, and just because you're not sore doesn't
mean that you've accomplished anything less. Being sore just
means....being sore.

If your weight skyrockets after lifting, check your diet. Yup, food
journals, people. Chances are you're not a genetic freak that's putting
on six pounds of muscle a week. And if you are, I think Joe Weider
might want to see you.

Keep a lifting journal. Write it down as you go, bring it to the gym,
whatever. It's nice to see progress, or look at sticking points, or see
if you're losing strength at any point.

Losing fat/gaining muscle: can it be done? Sometimes, kinda. To lose
fat, you gotta eat at a deficit. To gain muscle, you gotta eat at a
surplus. So how can you do both at the same time? But somehow newbies
and people returning to WT after a long layoff can. So enjoy and train
smart for those first few honeymoon months. You might be able to make
some small muscle gains after this, but just worry about keeping the LBM
you have.

Take measurements: 'nuff said.

That's all. Or that's all right now. Have fun, go slow, and don't make
me come down there!


Let's hear it for the weirdos! --Lydia Ash
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 16:41:54 -0500, Roger Zoul wrote:

> Original here:
> Dumbell Weights Routine:

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