Norfolk events

  • Thread starter Wafflycathcsdir
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Well you guys, if any of you happen to be in Norfolk at various times - here's some forthcoming
cycling related events.

Cheers, helen s

Some dates for your diary:

30 April Wednesday 6.30 - 8.30pm Anne Mustoe, round the world cyclist, Gives a talk at Cafe
Benjamin, Jarrolds Store London Street, Norwich £3.50 01603 660661

4 May Sunday Norfolk District Association Cyclists Touring Club 125 mile ride to celebrate 125 years
of the the CTC contact Mike Evans, 01603 417759

11 May Ride for Life events Santon Downham Village Hall, nr Brandon 10 and 25 miles off-road 17 and
33 miles road contact 01953 888604

18 May Sunday 8.00, 9.00, 9.30am Norfolk District Association Cyclists Touring Club 50 mile
reliability rides in 5, 4, or 3.5 hours contact Dennis Smith 01603 455758

28 June Saturday 8.30, 9.00 am 100, 200 and 400 km Audax rides Norfolk District Association Cyclists
Touring Club contact Tony Clarke 01603 407395

29 June Sunday 7.00 am Norwich Century Challenge 50 and 100 miles details to be announced

Flush out that intestinal parasite and/or the waste product before sending a reply!

Any speeliong mistake$ aR the resiult of my cats sitting on the keyboaRRRDdd
On 03 Apr 2003 15:41:12 GMT, [email protected] (wafflycathcsdirtycatlitter) wrote:

>Well you guys, if any of you happen to be in Norfolk at various times - here's some forthcoming
>cycling related events.

snip Does the Norfolk calender end in June? I *should* be skulking around the lovely lanes of North
East Norfolk during the first two weeks of August. Cheers Richard <who is looking forward alread>

Please remove THIS if replying
>Does the Norfolk calender end in June? I *should* be skulking around the lovely lanes of North East
>Norfolk during the first two weeks of August.

I seriously doubt it - it's just that the ones I posted are the ones I know about :) AS and when I
get to hear of any more I'll post them.

Cheers, helen s

Flush out that intestinal parasite and/or the waste product before sending a reply!

Any speeliong mistake$ aR the resiult of my cats sitting on the keyboaRRRDdd
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