OMG Oakley's broke today - What should I get next


New Member
Feb 18, 2004
I've had a pair of Oakley Minutes for about 6 years now and one of the arms gently split in two after my ride yesterday. I had the sunglasses hanging off my seatpost bag on the drive home and when I took them off I conveniently picked up two pieces. So that heartache aside, the next question is what should I buy next? Anyone know any good deals on good quality sunglasses (ie Rudy Project, Oakley, etc) for about 100 or less? Thanks
Honest to god, give Oakley a call. Your glasses are not a total loss. You can send in the glasses and they will replace the part(s) free or at a very low cost. My Jackets were like three years old when they broke and the got fixed for $3. Then I had some e-wires where the lens fell out and the nose ppad busted off---same result: Fixed. They stand behind their stuff.
Already tried glueing the two parts together? For that sort of damages I use Olba industrial super glue. Don't know if it's available in the US, but it glues everything together, even your fingers. The result will be better then new.