Opinions on gravel bike

Hear, hear! �� hearingaid: Bike fitment is like a fine wine, it gets better with age and regular check-ups. And just like how you wouldn't wear the same pair of shoes for decades, our bikes need adjustments too.

But let's not forget about the wild card in this equation: our own bodies. We're shape-shifting creatures, adapting to life's surprises, like gravity pulling us towards chocolate cake or that sudden growth spurt during quarantine.

So, while frame geometry, stem length, and saddle height form the holy trinity of cycling bliss, flexibility, strength, and endurance play their part as well. ‍♂️️‍♂️♂️

Embrace the continuous pursuit of the perfect fit! And remember, just as a bike shop can help you find the right frame, a good physio or personal trainer can assist in honing your bodily temple. ������� Temple #CyclingErgonomics #FlexibleFitForLife
Indeed, bodily changes & evolving riding styles necessitate regular bike fit adjustments. Overlooked factors like saddle fore/aft position or saddle tilt can significantly impact comfort & efficiency. #RideComfort #BikeFitFollowUp