Orthomolecular Talk in Plymouth, MA


Robert Levy

Finding Hope and Healing with the use of Alternatives in Cancer Therapy

William and Susan Best, parents of Bill Best Jr.

Wednesday- March 3, 2004

7 PM

Plymouth Public Library-Otto Fellow Room

32 South St.


Bill Best, Jr. contracted Hodgkin's disease in 1994. He refused traditional chemotherapy and used
natural therapies. Today he remains cancer free. Come hear as they share their journey in their
fight against cancer.

What is an Orthomolecular Physician? The orthomolecular physician balances the person's body
chemistry using natural substances and good nutrition as determined by a battery of
scientific tests.

Dr. Linus Pauling coined the word "orthomolecular" medicine. Ortho means right. Molecular refers to
molecules. It is the treatment based on correcting to proper levels of concentration those
substances which are normally present in the body, (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes,
etc.), and in this way providing the optimum molecular environment for the mind and body.

In larger doses, vitamins have an action over and above the effect as food supplement. They correct
brain chemistry like a drug but in a positive way without the serious side effects. Vitamins may not
be enough in early treatment of serious neurobiological illnesses. When drugs must be used,
nutrients can enhance the actions of drugs resulting in lower dosages with less serious side
effects. Nutrients are more cost effective than long-term drug therapy. As nutrients begin to
correct brain chemistry, the person, along with his doctor's awareness is able to slowly reduce the
neuroleptic drugs and in some case stop them completely.

The orthomolecular physician assesses a patient by a detailed history. The Experimental World
Inventory (EWI), hypoglycemic susceptibility, thyroid levels, pyroluria, which is a metabolic waste
product reaction, high and low histamine levels, vitamin B12 levels, heavy metal toxicity, bio assay
of vitamins, neurotransmitter levels, wheat gluten sensitivity, mercury toxicity, candida albicans,
alllergies and chemical sensitivities.